Professor Paul Harper

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 76841
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 76841
Location: M/1.36
Research Interests
Modelling of healthcare systems and resource management
Modelling for the prevention, early detection and treatment of diseases
Stochastic modelling and Simulation methods
Data Mining Techniques
Research Group
Recent Significant Publications
Harper PR, Knight VA and Marshall AH (2012), “Discrete Conditional Phase-type Models Utilising Classification Trees: Application to Modelling Health Service Capacities”. European Journal of Operational Research. DOI:
Knight VA, Harper PR and Smith L (2012), “Ambulance Allocation for Maximal Survival with Heterogeneous Outcome Measures”. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science. DOI:
Brailsford SC, Harper PR and Sykes J (2012), “Incorporating Human Behaviour in Simulation Models of Screening for Breast Cancer”. European Journal of Operational Research. DOI:
Fetta AG, Harper PR, Knight VA, Vieira IT and Williams JE (2012), “On the Peter Principle: An agent based investigation into the consequential effects of social networks and behavioural factors”. Physica A. DOI:
Knight VA and Harper PR (2012), “Modelling Emergency Medical Services with Phase-type Distributions”. Health Systems.
MAT001 – OR Methods
MAT003 – Communicating and Research Skills
MAT009 – Healthcare Modelling
Administrative Duties
Head of the OR Group
Director, Health Modelling Centre Cymru (hmc²)
Director of the MSc in OR and Applied Statistics
Director of the MSc in OR, Applied Statistics and Risk
WIMCS Statistics/OR Cluster coordinator
Member of WIMCS Research Committee
Chair, School Outreach Team
Chair, MSc Board of Studies
Chair, MSc Advisory Board
Member of School Research Committee
Member of Postgraduate Executive Team
Member of UG Board of Studies
Member of REF Committee
Personal Website
A complete up-to-date list of my papers is available at:
Invited special issue guest editor of:
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2009, Special Supplement (May), with Sally Brailsford and Duncan Shaw. “Milestones in OR”.
International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 2008, 3(4), with Frédérique Laforest. “Joint advances in Information Systems and Operational Research applied to Health Care”.
European Journal of Operational Research, 2008, 185(3), with Sally Brailsford. “OR in Health”.
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2007, 58(2), with Sally Brailsford. “Operational Research in Health”.
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2005, 16(3), with Rose Baker. “Mathematical Modelling for Healthcare Management”.
Operational Research Informing National Health Policy. Paul Harper, Vincent Knight, Israel Vieira, Janet Williams (eds). School of Mathematics, Cardiff University ISBN: .978-0-9569158-0-1
Operational Research for Health Policy: Making Better Decisions. Sally Brailsford and Paul Harper (eds). Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-03911-093-3.
Refereed Papers
In preparation/under review
Knight VA and Harper PR, “The Impact of Choice on Public Services”. European Journal of Operational Research (under review).
Gallagher J, Lim Z and Harper P, “Workforce skill-mix: modelling the potential for dental therapists in state funded primary dental care”. International Dental Journal (under review)
Smith HK and Harper PR, “Dynamic modeling of the spatio-temporal growth of trust: sustainability of a rural community health center”. (in preparation).
Smith HK, Harper PR and Potts CN, “Bicriteria efficiency/equity hierarchical location models”. To appear in Journal of the Operational Research Society
Knight VA, Harper PR and Smith L (2012), “Ambulance Allocation for Maximal Survival with Heterogeneous Outcome Measures”. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science. DOI:
Knight VA and Harper PR (2012), “Modelling Emergency Medical Services with Phase-type Distributions”. Health Systems.
Fetta AG, Harper PR, Knight VA, Vieira IT and Williams JE (2012), “On the Peter Principle: An agent based investigation into the consequential effects of social networks and behavioural factors”. Physica A. DOI:
Harper PR, Knight VA and Marshall AH (2012), “Discrete Conditional Phase-type Models Utilising Classification Trees: Application to Modelling Health Service Capacities”. European Journal of Operational Research. DOI:,
Brailsford SC, Harper PR and Sykes J (2012), “Incorporating Human Behaviour in Simulation Models of Screening for Breast Cancer”. European Journal of Operational Research. DOI:
Sally Brailsford, Timothy Bolt, Giovanni Bucci, Thierry Chaussalet, Con Connell, Paul Harper, Jonathan Klein, Martin Pitt and Melinda Taylor (2012), “Overcoming the barriers: a qualitative study of simulation adoption in the NHS”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. DOI:10.1057/jors.2011.130.
Williams J, Gillard J, Harper PR and Knight VA (2012), “Forecasting Welsh Ambulance Demand Using Singular Spectrum Analysis”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. DOI:
Harper PR, Kleinman ER, Gallagher JE and Knight VA (2012), “Cost-effective Workforce Planning: Optimising the Dental Team Skill-mix for England”. To appear in Journal of Enterprise Information Management.
Penn M, Potts CN and Harper PR (2011), “Hospital Operating Theatre Scheduling - Advanced Booking of Individual Patients. In Proceedings of the 37th ORAHS Conference, Cardiff, July 2011 - Operational Research Informing National Health Policy. Paul Harper, Vincent Knight, Israel Vieira, Janet Williams (eds). School of Mathematics, Cardiff University ISBN: .978-0-9569158-0-1
Gyuchan T Jun, Zoe Morris, Tillal Eldabi, Paul Harper, Aisha Naseer, Brijesh.Patel Patel and John P Clarkson (2011), “Development of a Modelling and Simulation Method Comparison and Selection Framework for Health Services Management”. BMC Health Services Research. 11: 108. DOI:10.1186/1472-6963-11-108
Israel T. Vieira, Valter de Senna, Paul R. Harper and Arjan K. Shahani (2011), "Tumour Doubling Times and the Length Bias in Breast Cancer Screening Programmes", Health Care Management Science. 14(2):203-11. DOI: 10.1007/s10729-011-9156-9
Vieira IT, Harper PR, Cheng RCH and de Senna V (2010), “Small World Network Models of the Dynamics of HIV Infection”. Annals of Operational Research. 178: 173-200.
Harper PR, Powel NP and Williams JE (2010). “Modelling the Size and Skill-mix of Hospital Nursing Teams”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 61: 768-779.
Williams JL, Gillard JW, Harper PR and Knight VA (2010), “Forecasting Welsh Ambulance Demand Using Singular Spectrum Analysis” In Operations Research for Patient-Centered Health Care Delivery, proceedings of the 36th International ORAHS Conference (Genova).
Penn ML, Potts CN and Harper PR (2010), “Developing a Multi-Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System”. In the conference proceedings of the IMA Sixth International Conference on Quantitative Modelling in the Management of Health Care, March 2010.
Kleinman ER, Harper PR and Gallagher JE (2009). ”Trends in NHS Primary Dental Care for Older People in England: implications for the future”. Gerodontology 26 (3): 193 - 201
Brailsford, S., Harper, P., Patel, B., and Pitt, M. (2009) “An Analysis of the Academic Literature on Simulation and Modeling in Healthcare”. Journal of Simulation. 3: 130-140.
Smith HK, Laporte G and Harper PR (2009). “Locational Analysis: Highlights of Growth to Maturity”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 60: S140-S148.
Smith H.K, Harper P.R and Potts C.N (2009). “Planning Sustainable Community Health Schemes in Rural Areas of Developing Countries”. European Journal of Operational Research. 193: 768-777.
Harper PR and Leite Jr E (2008), “TreeWorks: Advances in Scalable Decision Trees”. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 3 (4).
Arisha A, Thorwarth M and Harper (2009), “Simulation Model to Investigate Flexible Workload Management for Healthcare and Servicescape Environment”. In the conference proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, December 2009.
Smith HK and Harper PR (2008). “Location Modelling for Community Healthcare Facilities”. Proceedings of the 33rd Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (St Etienne).
Salustri L, Sbandi P, Brailsford S, Brocato R, De Angelis V, Harper P and Lasinio G (2007). “Simulation Modelling of a Major Accident and Emergency Department in Rome”. Proceedings of the 31st Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (Southampton).
Evenden D, Harper PR, Brailsford SC and Harindra V (2006), “Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Chlamydia Screening with Targeted Screening Strategies”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 57: 1400-1412.
Harper PR and Winslett DJ (2006), “Classification Trees: A Possible Method for Maternity Risk Assessment”. European Journal of Operational Research 169: 146-156.
Harper PR, Brailsford SC, Evenden D, Harinda V (2006), “ Combined Geomapping, Statistical Risk Grouping and Computer Simulation for Modelling Chlamydia Infection Dynamics and Screening Strategies”. Proceedings of the 30th Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (Stockholm).
Powell NH and Harper PR (2006), “Modelling for the Reprovision and Redesign of Intermediate Care Services in the UK – a local Example”. Proceedings of the 30th Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (Stockholm).
Brailsford SC, Harper PR and Sykes J (2006). “Incorporating human behavior in healthcare simulation models”. Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference. Vols 1-5, pp 466-472.
Harper PR (2005), “Combining Data Mining Tools with Health Care Models for Improved Understanding of Health Processes and Resource Utilisation”. Clinical and Investigative Medicine. 28: 338-341.
Rauner MS, Harper PR and Schwarz B (2005), “Economic Impact of Occupational Injuries: Resource Allocation for Prevention Programs”. Central European Journal of OR. 3(4).
Evenden D, Harper PR, Brailsford SC and Harindra V (2005), “System Dynamics modelling of Chlamydia infection for screening intervention planning and cost benefit estimation.” IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 16: 265-279.
Harper PR and Jones SK (2005), “Mathematical Models for the Early Detection and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer”. Health Care Management Science. 8: 101-109
Harper PR, Phillips S and Gallagher J (2005), “Regional Planning of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Services”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 56: 134-144.
Harper PR, de Senna V, Vieira IT and Shahani AK (2005), “A Genetic Algorithm for the Project Assignment Problem”. Computers & Operations Research. 32: 1255-1265.
Harper PR, Shahani AK, Gallagher JE and Bowie C (2005), “Planning Health Services with Explicit Geographical Considerations: a Stochastic Location-Allocation Approach”. OMEGA: International Journal of Management Science. 33: 141-152.
Harper PR (2005), “A Review and Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Medical Decision Making”. Health Policy. 71: 315-331.
Bowie C, Duff C, Harper PR, Shahani AK, Wilderspin H and Yates J (2004), “Long Term Planning to Meet Government Coronary Heart Disease Revascularisation Targets”. Health Services Management Research. 17: 132-140.
Ball C, Walker G, Harper P, Sanders D, McElligott M (2004), “Moving on from 'patient dependency' and 'nursing workload' to managing risk in critical care”. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. 20: 62-68.
Harper PR and Pitt M (2004), “On the Challenges of Healthcare Modelling and a Proposed Project Life-Cycle for Successful Implementation”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 55: 657-661.
Harper PR, Yates J, Wilderspin H, Shahani AK, Bowie C and Duff C (2004), ”Population Needs Assessment and Access Modelling for Cardiac Services”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 55: 529-534.
Sykes J, Harper PR and Brailsford SC (2004), “Incorporating Behaviour in Health Care Discrete Event Simulation Models”. Proceedings of UK Simulation Conference (UKSim04) (Oxford)
Powell NH and Harper PR (2004), “Workforce Modelling in Healthcare”. Proceedings of UK Simulation Conference (UKSim04) (Oxford)
Harper PR, Sayyad MG, de Senna V, Shahani AK, Yajnik CS and Shelgikar KM (2003), “A System Modelling Approach for the Care of Diabetic Retinopathy”. European Journal of Operational Research, 150: 81-91.
Vieira IT, Harper PR, Shahani AK and de Senna V (2003), “Mother-to-child transmission of HIV: a simulation-based approach for the evaluation of intervention strategies”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 54: 713-722.
Harper PR and Gamlin HM (2003), “Reduced outpatient waiting times with improved appointment scheduling: a simulation modelling approach”. OR Spectrum, 25: 207-222.
Harper PR and Shahani AK (2003), “A Decision Support System for the Care of HIV and AIDS Patients in India”. European Journal of Operational Research. 147 (1): 187-197.
Sayyad, M G, Shahani, A K, Harper, P R, de Senna, V, Shelgikar, K M and Yajnik, C S (2003), “A System Modelling Approach for the Care of Diabetic Retinopathy in India”. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (Vienna).
de Senna, V, Shahani, A K, Harper, P R and Jones, S K (2003), “Differences Between Breast Cancers Detected Through Screening and Self-detected Cancer (the Length Bias)”. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (Vienna).
Costa, A.X., Ridely, S.A., Shahani, A.K., Harper, P.R., De Senna, V. and Nielsen, M.S. (2003) Mathematical modelling and simulation for planning critical care capacity. Anaesthesia, 58, (4), 320-327.
Harper PR (2002), “A Framework for Operational Modelling of Hospital Resources”. Health Care Management Science. 5 (3): 165-173.
Harper PR and Shahani AK (2002), “Modelling for the Planning and Management of Bed Capacities in Hospitals”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 53 (1): 11-18
Shahani, AK, Harper PR, de Senna, V, Vieira, IT and Costa, AX (2002), “Data and Modelling for Critical Care”. Proceedings of the 26th Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (Glasgow).
Dale, J, Foden, D, Harper, PR, de Senna, V and Shahani, AK (2000), “Operational Modelling for the Planning and Management of Capacities in Hospitals”. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on System Science in Health Care (Budapest) 113-117.
Coppini, DV, Gatling, W, Harper, PR, de Senna, V and Shahani, AK (2000), “A System Modelling Approach for the Care of People with Diabetes”. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on System Science in Health Care (Budapest) 326-333.
Harper, PR (2000), “A Decision Support Hospital Simulation Model”. Proceedings of The International Conference on Health Sciences Simulation (San Diego) 27-31.
Official Reports
Comprehensive Critical Care: Review of Adult Critical Care Services (2000), Department of Health, HMSO Publication.
Healthcare systems are typically characterised by complexity, variability, uncertainty and use of scarce resources. To model such systems requires the development of suitable mathematical and simulation models that are able to account for the stochastic conditions, complex and large-scale patient pathways and disease processes, and at both operational and strategic levels. Various novel approaches have been developed by myself and colleagues at Cardiff (and with collaborators worldwide), including those in hybrid simulation methodologies, queueing and game theoretic models, location theory and optimisation, social network models for disease propagation, and health behavioural models.
Funding has come from many different sources to support my research and translational findings, including the Department of Health, NHS Wales, Welsh Government, NHS Information Centre, NHS Trusts and Primary Care Trusts, as well as from the main funding councils such as EPSRC and ESRC.
My research, and that with many collaborators, has led to sustained impact of significant benefit to the NHS and patient care, resulting in increased efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare systems, and improved outcomes. Projects have included reducing waiting times, reducing elective patient cancellations, finding the most effective and equitable locations on for healthcare facilities, advising on the cost-effectiveness of strategies for preventing and screening for disease such as informing policy on cancer, HIV/AIDS and Chlamydia screening.
Further details and research materials are available at:
Research grants and contracts (2004 onwards)
Dates |
Funding Body |
Title |
Value |
2012 | EPSRC (Institutional Award) | Pathways to Impact (MetSim) | £34,995 |
2011-2012 | ESRC and Welsh Government | Maximising the Use of Existing Administrative data Sets for Wales through Computer Simulation Modelling and Simulation (Welsh Government Fellowship) | £66,525 |
2011-2014 | Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust | Scheduling of Operating Theatures (PhD Funding) | £63,000 |
2010-2012 |
MetSim: a Hospital Support System Linking Weather and Health |
£344,269 |
2010-2014 |
Measuring Harm and Informing Quality Improvement Longitudinally in the Welsh NHS (with S Palmer, J Gray and A Lankshear) |
£729,706 |
2010 |
NHS Institute |
Evaluation of Scenario Generator (with MASHnet) |
£60,000 |
2009-13 |
Registered Research Group Status: Safety and Quality Research Group |
£995,000 |
2009-10 |
Partnerships for Public Engagement (WIMCS) |
£106,105 |
2009 |
NHS Institute |
TORCH: Teaching OR to Commissioners of Healthcare (with MASHnet) |
£59,563 |
2008-10 |
Innovation and Engagement Funding |
£19,500 |
2008-09 |
Third Mission (South Wales Employer Demand funds) for OR |
£28,000 |
2007-09 |
£1.09M |
2006-09 | EPSRC/ESRC | Collaborative PhD studentship: Modelling Healthcare for an Ageing Population (with S Brailsford and E Evandrou) |
£55,000 |
2005 | EPSRC | Multi-level Simulation Modelling | £6,330 |
2005 | AUVA | Economic Impact of Occupational Injuries: Resource Allocation for Prevention Programs | €60,000 |
2004-07 | NHS Information Centre | Statistical Clustering Methods for Healthcare Resource Groups | £92,000 |
2004 | University of Southampton | Faculty Education Enhancement Award - Development of an e-feedback tool | £4,500 |
2004 | Nuffield Foundation | Hospital Booked Admission Systems | £1,650 |
2004-05 | Hampshire and Isle Of Wight SHA | Cancer network - Modelling of Radiotherapy Services | £32,000 |
2003-04 | NHS Workforce Development Confederation | Optimisation of skill-mix of ward nursing staff | £24,000 |
2002-05 | EPSRC | CASE Award - Workforce Planning in the NHS | £50,000 |
2002-03 | University of Southampton | Semi-Markov Models for Screening for Cancer | £21,105 |
2002 |
Nuffield Foundation | HIV/AIDS |
£1,550 |
Postgraduate Students
Leanne Smith. Ambulance Deployments.
Robert Shone. Hybrid Game Theory and Queueing System Modelling.
Julie Williams. Ambulance Demand Forecasting and Crew Rostering.
Angelico Fetta. Agent Based Simulation for Complex Health Systems Interventions
Marion Penn. Operating Theatre Scheduling.
Michael Thorwarth (Dublin Institute of Technology). A Simulation-Based Decision Support System to Improve Healthcare Facilities Performance, 2012 (with Amr Arisha).
Joe Viana (Southampton). Chlamydia Modelling, 2011 (with Sally Brailsford).
Shivam Desai (Southampton). Modelling the Future Demand for Residential Care in an Ageing Population, 2011 (with Sally Brailsford, Honora Smith and Maria Evandrou).
Honora Smith (Southampton). Locating Sustainable Community Health Facilities, 2008.
Jennifer Sykes (Southampton). Healthcare Behavioural Modelling. 2007.
Naomi Powell (Southampton). Simulation and Optimisation of Healthcare Workforce Need. 2006.
Please see: for further details.
My teaching duties are discussed at:
I also enjoy running educational outreach for school pupils:
2010 - |
Director, hmc² (Health Modelling Centre Cymru) |
2009 - |
Head of the Operational Research Group, Cardiff University |
2008 - |
Cluster leader for Operational Research and Statistics, WIMCS. |
2007 - |
WIMCS Research Chair in Operational Research, Cardiff University |
2006 - 07 |
Senior Lecturer in Operational Research, University of Southampton |
2001 - 06 |
Lecturer in Operational Research, University of Southampton |
1997 - 02 |
Research Fellow, Institute of Modelling for Healthcare, Univ. of Southampton |
Academic Qualifications
2005 |
PG Certificate in Education |
University of Southampton |
2002 |
Ph.D. Mathematics |
University of Southampton |
1996 |
M.Sc. Operational Research |
University of Southampton |
1995 |
B.Sc. Mathematics and Statistics |
University of Bath |