Dr Vincent Knight
![Mr Vincent Knight](../../images/profileimages/knightva-web.jpg)
Telephone: +44(0)29 2087 5548
Fax: +44(0)29 2087 4199
Extension: 75548
Location: M/1.30
Research Interests
- Game Theory
- Queueing Theory and Simulation
- Healthcare Modelling
My main research interests are in the understanding and design of queueing systems, where individual behaviour is a factor. Recent changes in the UK health system have provided an excellent opportunity for the application of my theoretical developments that merge queueing theory and game theory. Additionally, I also have interests in using simulation taking into account the behaviour of the agents being modelled.
My other research interests lie mainly in healthcare modelling and include:
- Optimisation of staffing levels in systems with time-variable demand.
- Location theory problems; aiming to locate healthcare facilities (mobile or fixed).
- General healthcare problems, with the possibility for strong theoretical approaches.
I have worked closely with healthcare personnel and translated theory in to practice though modeling of different aspects of the healthcare system, such as emergency units, ambulance service and social care.
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Research Group
Personal Web Links
Dr Vincent Knight's Personal Website
Dr Vincent Knight's Twitter Feed
Behrend RE and Knight VA (2008):Higher Spin Alternating Sign Matrices. Electron. J. Combin. 14(1), R83, 38pp.
Knight VA, Williams JE and Reynolds I (2010): Modelling Patient Choice in Healthcare Systems: Development and Application of a Discrete Event Simulation with Agent-Based Functionality. (Accepted for publication in the Journal of Simulation).
Harper PR, Knight VA and Marshall A (2010): Discrete Conditional Phase-type Models Utilising Classification Trees: Application to Modelling Health Service Capacities. (Accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research).
Williams J, Gillard J, Harper PR and Knight VA (2010): Forecasting Welsh Ambulance Demand Using Singular Spectrum Analysis. (Submitted to Journal of the Operational Research Society)
Harper PR, Kleinman ER, Gallagher JE and Knight VA: Cost-effective Workforce Planning: Optimising the Dental Team Skill-mix for England. 2010. (Submitted)
Knight VA, Harper PR and Smith L (2010): Ambulance Allocation for Maximal Survival with Heterogeneous Outcome Measures.(Revision submitted to OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science).
Knight VA and Harper PR (2010): The Price of Anarchy in Health Care. (Submitted to Operations Research).
Griffiths J, Knight VA, Komenda I (2010): Bed Management in a Critical Care Unit. (Submitted to IMA Journal of Management Mathematics)
Knight VA, Voake C, Williams JE, Griffiths J and Nelson AV (2010): How efficient can an Emergency Unit be? A Perfect World Model. (Submitted to Emergency Medicine Journal).
Knight VA: On a Polytope Containing the Transportation Polytope. (In preparation to submit to the Journal of the Operational Research Society)
Knight VA and Harper PR (2011): Modelling Emergency Medical Services with Phase
Type Distributions. (In preparation to submit to the European Journal of Operational Research)
Knight VA and Gillard J (2011): Using Singular Spectrum Analysis to Obtain Staffing Level Requirements in Healthcare. (Submitted to the European Journal of Operational Research)
Gillard J, Knight VA, Williams J and Wilson R, (2011): Staffing Levels of a Maths Support Centre. (In preperation)
Conference Presentations
Speaker at the Operational Research Society conference:
OR 52 (September 2009)
OR 51 (September 2010)
Speaker at the European Working Group on OR Applied to Health Services (ORAHS) annual conference:
ORAHS 2010 (July 2010)
Research Material
Postgraduate Students
Robert Shone - Hybrid Game Theory and Queueing System Modelling
BSc – Cardiff University (First Class Honors, 2005)
PhD Thesis – "Alternating Sign Matrices and Polytopes" (2009)
Positions Held
(2009-Present) - LANCS post-doctoral research associate.