Dr Israel Vieira

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 70850
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 70850
Location: M/1.31
Research Interests
Computer simulation
Social Networks
Data Mining
Healthcare Modelling
Motorsport racing strategy
Research Group
Recent Significant Publications
Israel T. Vieira, Valter de Senna, Paul R. Harper and Arjan K. Shahani (2011), "Tumour doubling times and the length bias in breast cancer screening programmes", Health Care Management Science, DOI: 10.1007/s10729-011-9156-9
Vieira, I., Cheng, R., Harper, P. and de Senna, V. (2010). "Small world network models of the dynamics of hiv infection". Annals of Operations Research, 178: 173–200
Harper P.R., de Senna V., Vieira I.T., Shahani, A.K. (2005), “A genetic algorithm for the project assignment problem”, Computers and Operations Research, 32 (5), 1255-1265.
Vieira I.T., Harper P.R., Shahani A.K. and de Senna V. (2003), “Mother-to-child transmission of HIV: a simulation-based approach for the evaluation of intervention strategies”. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(7), 713-722.
Israel T. Vieira, Valter de Senna, Paul R. Harper and Arjan K. Shahani (2011), "Tumour doubling times and the length bias in breast cancer screening programmes", Health Care Management Science, DOI: 10.1007/s10729-011-9156-9
Vieira, I., Cheng, R., Harper, P. and de Senna, V. (2010). "Small world network models of the dynamics of hiv infection". Annals of Operations Research, 178: 173–200
Harper P.R., de Senna V., Vieira I.T., Shahani, A.K. (2005), “A genetic algorithm for the project assignment problem”, Computers and Operations Research, 32 (5), 1255-1265.
Vieira I.T., Harper P.R., Shahani A.K. and de Senna V. (2003), “Mother-to-child transmission of HIV: a simulation-based approach for the evaluation of intervention strategies”. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(7), 713-722.
Refereed Conference Papers
Vieira, I.T., de Senna, V. and Pereira, H.B.B. (2009), “HIV Vaccine in a Small World”, Annals of the XLI SBPO, Porto Seguro, Brazil, 1425-1434.
Vieira, I.T., de Senna, V. and Pereira, H.B.B. (2008), “Safe Sex and the Spread of HIV”, Annals of the XL SBPO, João Pessoa - Brazil, vol. 1, 153-160.
Vieira I.T., de Senna V., Cheng R.C.H., Meacock S.E. (2004), “Small-World Effects on Sexual Transmission of HIV”. Proceeding of the XXXVI SBPO, São João del Rei – Brazil
de Senna V., Vieira I.T., Cheng R.C.H., Meacock S.E. (2003), “Sexual Transmission of HIV in a Small World”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Association of Asia-Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS) within IFORS, New Delhi – India.
de Senna V., Harper P.R., Vieira I.T., Shahani A.K. (2002),“Um Algorítmo Genético para Alocação de Projetos”. Proceeding of the XXXIV SBPO, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Shahani A.K., Harper P.R., de Senna V., Vieira I.T. and Costa A.X. (2001), “Data and Modelling for Critical Care”. Proceedings of the 26th Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (Glasgow).
Shahani A.K., Harper P.R., Dale J., Costa A.X., Vieira I.T., and de Senna V (2001), “Detailed Practical Models for Planning and Managing Hospital Capacities”. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (Vienna).
PhD in Operational Research - School of Mathematics, University of Southampton Thesis title: “Small World Network Models of the Dynamics of HIV Infection”
MSc in Software Engineering with Distinction - Faculty of Technology, Southampton Solent University Thesis title: “Maternal Transmission of HIV / AIDS”
Previous Positions
Race Strategy Mathematical Modeller - Honda Racing F1 Team / Brawn GP F1 Team
I have designed and implemented the Race Strategy Toolset including the database infrastructure for data collection, analysis and tools configuration. The toolset includes database with automated data mining, pre-race strategy simulation models for “what if” analysis, pre-race safety car simulations, live race strategy models with pit stop prediction for competitors, own car accident, safety car deployment and dynamic strategy optimisation. This toolset has been in use continuously since 2006 and has played an active role in the battle to win both manufacturers and drivers championships in 2009.
Research Fellow/ Lecturer - School of Mathematics, University of Southampton
I researched on modelling for healthcare and database systems. The work included hospital capacities, diabetes, diary planner for intensive care unit, genetic algorithms for project allocation, and automated data input with pregnancy risk classification for midwife questionnaires using voice, scanning, palm pilot, and bar coding.
I lectured the units: Databases and Spreadsheet Modelling and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) on the MSc in Operational Research for four academic years. The course consists of lectures and computer workshops. I also helped with the supervision of projects and computing workshops for MSc in Operational Research.
Computer Programmer - Federal University of Bahia Health Insurance Plan
Developed a complex database system for the control of members and their activities within the university health insurance plan. The work included the implementation of an online classification of members and service providers with fraud detection, development of a financial control system with automatic bank transactions and direct debit.