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Dr Janet Williams


Dr Janet Williams Position: Senior Lecturer Email:
Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75523
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75523
Location: M/1.38

Research Interests

Operational Research

Queueing theory


Healthcare Modelling

Dr Janet E Williams is Senior Lecturer in the Operational Research Group within the School of Mathematics, Cardiff University. She has worked on many consultancies and contracts with a variety of companies including Transport Research Laboratory, Ministry of Defence, BP Oil Ltd, Maritime Dynamics, British Steel, GlaxoWelcome, a European Communities Concerted Action on the Impact of AIDS on Society, the Welsh Assembly Government and a local Heath Trusts. Her main area of expertise is simulation/mathematical modelling in transport, queuing theory, epidemiology and healthcare.

Research Group

Operational Research

Recent Significant Publications

Williams J E, Griffiths J D, Price-Lloyd N and Smithies M,  Modelling the requirement for supplementary nurses in an intensive care unit, J. of the Operational Research Society, 2005, 126-133, 56 (2).

Williams J E, Griffiths J D and Leonenko G M, Generalization of the modified Bessel function and its generating function, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2005, 267-276, 8 (3).

Williams J E, Griffiths J D and Leonenko G M, Time-dependent analysis of non-empty M/E k/1 queue, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, Vol. 5 No. 3 (2008), 313-329, ISSN: 1684-3703.

Williams J E, Bagust A, Griffiths J D and McEwan P C, Evaluating the Performance of the Framingham Risk Equations in a Population with Diabetes, Diabetic Medicine, 2004,  318-323, 21 (4).


MA0261 Operational Research

Administrative Duties

Director of Professional Training

Student Careers

Industrial Liaison

Computing Facilities/Laboratories

Departmental Computing Representative

Chair of School Health and Safety Panel

Chair of School Web/VLE Committee

Member of School Senior Management Team

Member of School Management Board

Member of School IT Committee

Member of School Staff/Student Panel

Member of School Statistics/OR Subject Panel

Member of School Teaching Standards Committee


Williams J E, Griffiths J D, Price-Lloyd N and Smithies M,  Modelling the requirement for supplementary nurses in an intensive care unit, J. of the Operational Research Society, 2005, 126-133, 56 (2).

Williams J E, Griffiths J D and Leonenko G M, Generalization of the modified Bessel function and its generating function, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2005, 267-276, 8 (3).

Williams J E, Griffiths J D and Leonenko G M, Time-dependent analysis of non-empty M/E k/1 queue, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, Vol. 5 No. 3 (2008), 313-329, ISSN: 1684-3703.

Williams J E, Bagust A, Griffiths J D and McEwan P C, Evaluating the Performance of the Framingham Risk Equations in a Population with Diabetes, Diabetic Medicine, 2004,  318-323, 21 (4).