Dr Soheil Davari

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 70850
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 70850
Location: M/1.31
Research Interests
Operations Research
Health Care Modelling
Data Mining
Decision Making under Uncertainty
Research Group
My research interests include Health Care Management, application of Operations Research to real-world problems, Uncertainty Modelling, data mining, and Simulation. In particular, I am passionate about bridging the gap between theory and practice. Currently, I am doing research on dynamic vehicle routing problems under uncertainty with applications in health care services and applying data mining tools to the huge datasets in the health care sector.
External Funding.
1. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), 2216 Program, Research Fellowship Program for Foreign Citizens, 2013-2014
2. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), 2216 Program, Research Fellowship Program for Foreign Citizens, 2014-2015
Major Conference Talks
1. The robust preventive health care network design, ORAHS 2014, 24 July 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
2. The bi-objective equitable preventive healthcare network design, ORAHS 11 July 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
3. Multi-period facility location models, Ozyegin University, December 3, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
4. Multi-period facility location models, Istanbul Sehir University, December 16, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
5. Recent Trends and Future Research Opportunities in Location Theory, Koc University, December 20, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
6. Mobile facility location-routing-scheduling problem, Sabanci University, March 12, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
BSc – in Industrial Engineering, Azad University of South Branch, Tehran, Iran (2000-2005)
Msc – in Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2005-2007)
PhD - in Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2007-2012)
Previous Positions
1. Postdoctoral Fellow, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey (2013-2014)
2. Visiting Professor, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey (Summer 2013, Summer 2014)
Computer Skills
Programming Languages.
Java, C++, C#, MatLab, OPL, SQL, VBA
Other tools.
Xpress MP, Simul8, LaTex, SPSS, Microsoft Office
1. English: Speaks fluently and read/write with high proficiency
2. French: Speaks fluently and reads with high proficiency
3. Spanish: Beginner
4. Turkish: Speaks fluently
5. Persian: Mother language
Reviewer of Journals
1. Applied Mathematical Modelling
2. Computers & Operations Research
3. Physica A
4. Engineering Optimization
5. Health Care Management Science
6. International Journal of Production Research
7. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
8. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation