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Professor A Russell Davies


Professor A Russell Davies Position: Honorary Distinguished Professor Email:
Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75522
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75522
Location: M/2.55

Research Interests

Inverse problems in materials characterization.

Numerical inversion of integral transforms.

Mechanics of time-dependent materials.

Mathematical problems in imaging science.

Computational partial differential equations.

Research Group

Applied Mathematics



Autumn Semester
MA0122 Algebra I

Administrative Duties

Financial Matters/Financial Plan

Management of School

Staff Appraisal and Development

Strategic Plan/Annual Report

Teaching Loads

Chair of the School Management Committee

Member of School Admissions Committee

Member of School Research Committee

Member of School Staff/Student Panel

Member of School Teaching and Learning Committee




External Funding Since 2000

2000-02: The computation of complex industrial EPSRC £49,800 non-Newtonian flows -JREI

2000-4: Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Leaf(UK) Confectionery Manufacture -EPSRC £38,500

2000-3: Complex fluids and complex flows. EPSRC £583,000 UWS/UWA Platform Grant

2001: Resource capital for complex fluids research HEFCW £100,000

2002-7: Unilever Research Consultancy Unilever £70,000

2004-6: SRIF2 Resource for Computational Fluid Dynamics HEFCW £650,000

Major Conference Talks Since 2004

Aug 2004. Relating the Relaxation Spectrum to Wave Dispersion Data. VIIIth International Workshop on Time Dependent Materials, Bled.

Jan 2005. Wobble, Creep and Relaxation: Modelling Materials with Memory. SIAM UK-IE Meeting, Cork.

April 2005. Determining Creep and Relaxation Functions from a Single Experiment. AERC 2005, Grenoble.

October 2005. On Creep and Relaxation. Vth International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials. Nagano, Japan.

August 2006. Recent advances in Linear Viscoelasticity. IXth International Workshop on Time Dependent Materials. Portoroz.

Postgraduate Students


Neil Goulding

Faris Alzahrani

Graduated (Since 2000)


G. Bowers

M. al Hodaly


Eman el Aidarous



1969 - BSc Hons Mathematics and Physics, King’s College, London

1971 - MSc (Mathematics), Oxford University, Balliol College

1974 - D Phil (Mathematics), Oxford University, Balliol College

Scholarships - Thomas and Elizabeth Williams Scholar, 1970-73; Balliol College Graduate Award, 1971-1973

Membership of Learned Societies

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (MIMA, CMath)

London Mathematical Society

British Society of Rheology



1973-75: Atlas Research Fellow in Mathematics, Pembroke College Oxford and SERC Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory

1976-85: Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, The University College of Wales, Aberystwyth

1984: Visiting Fellow, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Australian National University

1984: Visiting Scientist, Division of Mathematics and Statistics, CSIRO, Canberra

1984-86: Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, UCW, Aberystwyth

1986: Visiting Fellow, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Australian National University

1986-90: Reader in Mathematics, UCW, Aberystwyth

1990: Visiting Fellow, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Australian National University

1990-to date: Professor of Mathematics, UCW, Aberystwyth (now UWA)

1990: Visiting Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne University

1998: Visiting Scientist, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences, Canberra

2000: Visiting Scientist, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences, Canberra

2000-2003: Head of Department of Mathematics, UWA

2006: Visiting Scientist, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences, Canberra

2006-to date: Head of the School of Mathematics, Cardiff University

Editorial Boards and Advisory Committees

Editorial Board: Inverse Problems (1988-92)

Editorial Board: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 1992-

Council: British Society of Rheology (1994 - 2000)

Scientific Committee: Smith Institute for Industrial Mathematics and System Engineering, 2000–2006

Scientific Committee: KTN for Industrial Mathematics 2007-

Awards and Honours

Annual Award: British Society of Rheology 2005

President: Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, United Kingdom and Ireland m2007-2009


National Physical Laboratory, Teddington

Shell Research Limited, Thornton

RAPRA Technology, Shawbury

BICC Cables, Chester

Devro-Teepak Limited, Moodiesburn

Nestle Research Laboratory, Lausanne

Leaf UK, Southport

Unilever UK, Port Sunlight