Dr Federica Dragoni

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75529
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75529
Location: M/2.32
Research Interests
My research is motivated by a broad range of interrelated problems in the area of analysis in sub-Riemannian manifolds and degenerate nonlinear PDEs. In this settings I have dealt with very different questions, making use of many interdisciplinary methods and techniques from probability, analysis, differential geometry, Lie algebras, metric spaces, calculus of variations and measure theory.
Sub-Riemannian geometries and related PDEs (as subelliptic/ultraparabolic PDEs) turn out to be extremely useful to create mathematical models to describe many different phenomena from applications. An example are the use of the Rototranslation geometry for modelling the first layer of the visual cortex and problems in finance related to pricing so-called Asian options.
Unlike Riemannian manifolds (where the structure looks locally always like the Euclidean R n), sub-Riemannian spaces are never, at any scale, isomorphic to the Euclidean space. In particular they are highly anisotropic in the sense that at any point some directions for the motion on the manifold turn out to be forbidden, making the metric and geometric structure much more complicated than in the non-degenerate case (Euclidean space and Riemannian manifolds). The admissible directions for the motion are described by vector fields which do not span at any point the whole tangent space. PDEs on these geometries are defined by replacing the standard partial derivatives by the vector fields.
Recently I got interested in stochastic homogenization problems for first-order and second-order PDEs associated to H¨ormander vector fields. In particular I am interested in those cases where, even starting from a stochastic microscopic model, the effective problem (=PDE modelling the macroscopic behaviour) is deterministic. Where the microscopic stochastic model is related to H¨ormander-type PDEs, the rescaling becomes usually anisotropic.
In the past years I have worked on first-order equations (non coercive HamiltonJacobi equations) as well as several nonlinear second order degenerate subelliptic/ultraparabolic equations (e.g. infinite-Laplacian and evolution by horizontal mean curvature flow). In this setting I (together with Martino Bardi from Padova) have also developed a notion of convexity along vector fields which has several important applications to PDEs associated with H¨ormander vector fields.
Research Group
Spring Semester
MA4013 Advanced topics in Analysis with application to PDEs
Administrative Duties
- Work-Life Balance Coordinator
- Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 Senior Tutor
- Member of the Athena Swan Panel
- Member of Learning and Teaching Committee
- Coordinator of Review Panel on Tutoring
Conference Organisation
Stochastic methods and nonlinear PDEs, Cardiff, 2012
Extended local Organising Committee for the 7th ISAAC congress, Imperial College London 2009
External Duties
- London Mathematical Society Representative for Cardiff
- Member of GW4 network 'Functional Materials Far From Equilibrium'
Personal Website
External Funding
2015-2016: EPSRC First Grant.
2012: London Mathematical Society grant for conference £ 5000; OxPDE grant for conference £ 3500; WIMCS grant for conference £ 2000.
2010: LMS collaborative small grant £ 600.
2007: INDAM research grant Euro 6000 (Italian grant).
Major Conference Talks since 2010
001/2010: Imperial College London, UK.
03/2010: University of Bristol, UK.
04/2010: University of Padova, Italy.
04/2010: University of Bath, UK.
08/2010: University of Basel, Switzerland.
10/2011: at EPCR workshop Geometric measure theory in non-Euclidean spaces, University of Pisa, Italy.
11/2011: OxPDE Center, Oxford, UK.
12/2011: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.
04/2012: Universit´a La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
10/2012: Swansea University, UK.
02/2014: Recent Advances in Nonlinear PDE and Calculus of Variations, University of Reading, UK.
04/2014: University of Sussex, UK.
05/2014: Young Applied Analysts, University of Glasgow, UK.
11/2014: GW4 consortium meeting, University of Bristol, UK.
11/2014: University of Bologna, Italy.
12/2014: University of Florence, Italy.
01/2015: University of Birmingham, UK.
03/2015: LMS Bath-WIMCS Analysis Day, Swansea University, UK.
Academic history
2006: PhD in Mathematics, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy.
2002: Laurea (equivalent of Master Degree) in Mathematics, University of Florence, Italy.
2011: Lecturer at Cardiff School of Mathematics, Cardiff University.
2010: Research associate at University of Padova, Italy and temporary position, University of Bristol
2009: Research associate at Imperial College London.
2008-2009: Research associate at University of Padova, Italy.
2007-2008: Post-doc position at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.
2007: INDAM research position, at University of Pittsburgh, USA.
Maternity Leaves
2011: Maternity Leave (first child).
2013: Maternity Leave (second child)
Postgraduate Students
Current Students
Doaa Filali
Ahmed Jama