Professor Jeff Griffiths

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 74202
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 74202
Location: M/2.53
Research Group
Research Interests
Queueing Theory
Discrete Event Simulation
Healthcare Modelling
Transport Modelling
Spring Semester
MA3600 Operational Research II
Personal Website
Research Activities
I head the Operational Research/Statistics Group within the School of Mathematics. Some current and recent projects include:
Investigation of risk factors associated with diabetes mellitus (GlaxoSmithKline);
Study of treatment effects for HIV/AIDS (EU);
Macro-vascular disease in diabetes patients;
Age effects in patients with HIV/AIDS;
Intensive Care and High Dependency facilities in a large Teaching Hospital (NHS);
Comparison of treatments for osteoporosis (Royal Glamorgan Hospital);
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and Methicillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus mortality comparisons (NHS);
Diagnosis of bone mineral density disease (Royal Glamorgan Hospital);
Modelling waiting times and waiting lists in National Health Service hospitals in Wales (Welsh Assembly Government)
Modelling Hospital Operating Theatre Performance (NHS)
Invited or plenary talks at major conferences
Invited speaker at Columbia University, New York City, February 2009
Invited Plenary Speaker at UK OR Conference, September 2009
Invited Plenary Speaker at CELT-MSOR Conference, September 2012
Invited Plenary Speaker at CELT-MSOR Conference, September 2013
Workshops Organized
Healthcare Workshop 19-20 January 2009, Millennium Stadium and CU
Healthcare Workshop 25 January 2011, CU
Modern Trends in Markov Processes and Queueing Theory, 15 February 2013, CU
Postgraduate Students
Over the last ten years I have supervised the following PhD students:
Jack Baber
Mari Jones
Cheryl Voake
Zoe Lawson
Ganna Leonenko
Naomi Price-Lloyd
Dawn Lowrie
Emma Snary
Rachael Salmon
Phil McEwan
Tracey England
Jeff Griffiths has been a member of staff at Cardiff University since 1964 and was Head of the School of Mathematics for most of the period from 1983 to 2006. He was appointed Dean of the Science Faculty in 1991.
Professor Griffiths’s PhD is in Stochastic Processes, and he first became interested in Epidemiology and Healthcare when investigating the world-wide eradication of smallpox in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Since that time he has undertaken a large number of consultancies and contracts with government establishments and with a variety of public and private companies, including GlaxoWellcome (GlaxoSmithKline), University Hospital of Wales, National Health Service, and the Welsh Assembly Government. He has also worked extensively in the field of transport, with particular reference to congestion problems, and has held consultancies with BP Oil Ltd, Department of Transport, British Steel, Welsh Office, Maunsell Consultancy Services, Suez Canal Authority, Transport Research Laboratory, etc. He has worked in many parts of the world including Europe, USA, Canada, Africa, Middle East, Far East, Australia, and New Zealand. Dr Griffiths has received grants and awards totalling over M£1. He has been an invited speaker at a large number of conferences both in the UK and overseas, and has organised several international conferences. He is the author of over 100 publications and reports. He has appeared in expert capacity in several television and radio programmes, and as an expert witness in High Court actions.
Professor Griffiths has been awarded a number of Research Council grants, and has received financial support from the European Union and World Health Organisation for his work on modelling the spread of HIV/AIDS. From 1987 - 1997 he was UK representative on the EU Concerted Action to investigate the control and spread of HIV/AIDS in Europe. This project involved about 70 researchers, with representatives from all EU countries, plus invited guests from USA. He has lectured widely on HIV/AIDS, particularly in USA, and was the lead speaker at the Baltic Operational Research Conference held in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2003. In 2008 Professor Griffiths was awarded an EPSRC Science and Innovation grant (LANCS Initiative) in conjunction with the Universities of Lancaster, Nottingham, and Southampton. Cardiff’s share of this grant was approximately £1.3 million.
Dr Griffiths heads the Healthcare Research Cluster of the LANCS Initiative. (Current and recent projects include:
Investigation of risk factors associated with diabetes mellitis;
Study of treatment effects for HIV/AIDS;
Macro-vascular disease in diabetes patients;
Age effects in patients with HIV/AIDS;
Intensive Care and High Dependency facilities in a large Teaching Hospital;
Comparison of treatments for osteoporosis;
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and Methicillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus mortality comparisons;
Diagnosis of bone mineral density disease;
Modelling waiting times and waiting lists in National Health Service hospitals in Wales.
Modelling treatments regimes in a rehabilitation hospital.
Modelling hip-fracture facilities in a teaching hospital.