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Professor Martin Huxley


person name Position: Professor of Mathematics Email:
Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75551
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75551
Location: M/2.53

Research Interests

Number Theory: prime numbers, the Riemann zeta function, Dirichlet polynomials, exponential sums, Dedekind sums, Kloosterman sums, the modular group, Maass wave forms, the Selberg and Kuznietsov trace formulae, lattice points in the plane, such as the Gauss circle problem, different configurations of lattice points inside a moving shape.

Spectral theory: The Laplacian on the upper half plane and hyperbolic orbifolds, eigenvalues and Eisenstein series.

Research Group

Number Theory



MA0111 Elementary Number Theory I

MA0212 Linear Algebra

MA0216 Elementary Number Theory II

MA0321 Coding Theory

Administrative Duties

Ethics Officer


Personal Website

Professor Martin Huxleys' personal pages




External Funding Since 2000

INTAS Research Project, Analytic and Combinatorial methods in Number Theory and Geometry, 2004-7.

Postgraduate Students

Graduated (Since 2000)

Beth Boyce

Darren Welch

Matthew Lettington


Shaunna Plunkett-Levin