Dr Vincent Knight

Telephone: +44(0)29 2087 5548
Fax: +44(0)29 2087 4199
Extension: 75548
Location: M/1.30
Research Interests
My main research interests lie in the fields of:
- Game Theory
- Queueing Theory
- Healthcare Modelling
For more information on my research please see my personal website: www.vknight.org which also contains various screencasts describing my work.
View Dr Vince Knight's Calander
Research Group
Undergraduate - Autumn Semester
MA1003 Computing For Mathematics
Undergraduate - Spring Semester
MA1003 Computing For Mathematics (Continued)
MA3600 Operational Research II
Postgraduate - Autumn Semester
MAT001 OR Methods
Postgraduate - Spring Semester
MAT008 SAS Programming
Conference Presentations
For an up to date list of my presentations please see my personal website www.vknight.org
Postgraduate Students
Robert Shone - Hybrid Game Theory and Queueing System Modelling