Dr Matthew C. Lettington

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75670
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75670
Location: M/2.50
Research Interest
Integer points close to convex hypersurfaces and polytopes.
Identities for the Zeta function at integer values.
Combinatorial and number theoretic properties of symmetric matrices under matrix multiplication.
Modelling techniques for industry (such as SSA).
Research Group
Spring Semester
MA0216 Elementary Number Theory II
MA4011 Combinatorial and Analytic Number Theory
Autumn Semester
On Research Leave from Summer 2015 until February 2016.
Previous Teaching
MA0104 Modelling (with differential and difference equations)
MA0111 Elementary Number Theory I
MA3004 Combinatorics
MA1000 Calculus
MA0111 Elementary Number Theory I
MA2002 Matrix Algebra
MA0216 Elementary Number Theory II
MA0111 Elementary Number Theory I
MA0216 Elementary Number Theory II
MA2002 Matrix Algebra
Administrative Duties
Undergraduate Project Co-Ordinator
MA4011 Analytic Number Theory
MA0216 Elementary Number Theory II
MA3004 Combinatorics
Major Conference Talks
August 2008. A dynamic approach to product sales forecasting. SMiCR, Cardiff.
May 2013. Recent progress in Bernoulli relations, their implications for the Ramanujan polynomials and the special values of the Riemann zeta function, Wales Mathematics Colloquium, Gregynog.
May 2014. Higher-Dimensional Lucas and Fibonacci Sequences, Wales Mathematics Colloquium, Gregynog.
March 2015, On Higher Dimensional Interlacing Fibonacci Sequences, Continued Fractions and Chebyshev Polynomials (Abstract), LMS, WIMCS – Bath Analysis Day, Swansea University.
July 2015, On Higher Dimensional Interlacing Fibonacci Sequences, Continued Fractions and Chebyshev Polynomials (Abstract), 29th Journées Arithmétiques JA 2015, Debrecen University, Hungary.
ESGI 80 Collaboration
April 2011. Loading on the electricity grid from distributed energy storage systems.
Seminar Talks
February 2014. On rational convergents to the cosine of rational multiples of Pi, Analysis Seminar Programme, Cardiff.
March 2012. Recent progress in the distribution of lattice points near to convex surfaces and polytopes. Analysis Seminar Programme, Cardiff
Educational and Media Outreach
Recently advised and participated in an episode for a new series to appear on the Discovery Channel in 2015. More details to follow once the show goes live.
Research Leave
Summer 2015 - February 2016
Postgraduate Students
Sally Hill - Some Problems in the Theory of Numbers and Quadratic Forms
David Humphreys -
BSc – University of Wales, Cardiff, 1994
PhD – Cardiff University, 2008
Previous Positions
June 2006 – Aug 2010: Mathematical Consultant, JSC Management und-Technologieberatung AG, Eltville, Germany.
Oct. 2008 – April 2010: Lecturer in Mathematics, Gloucestershire College, Cheltenham.
Sep. 2010 - April 2012: Lecturer in Mathematics (Part Time), Cardiff University
May 2012 - Present: Lecturer in Mathematics (SBP Fellowship), Cardiff University