Professor Marco Marletta

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75552
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75552
Location: M/2.41
Research Interests
My interests are in spectral problems for ordinary and partial differential operators and involves both analysis and computational mathematics. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council have funded my work since 1994 and I have also had significant funding from the Leverhulme Trust and the London Mathematical Society.
My most recent work has been on the numerical solution of spectral problems for ODEs and PDEs on infinite domains. Central to this has been the study of the Titchmarsh-Weyl function for the ODE case, and of the Dirichlet to Neumann map for the PDE case.
I also work on inverse problems in spectral theory: these involve determining a problem from a knowledge of its spectral properties, usually through the Dirichlet to Neumann map, and have numerous applications.
Please see my personal web page for further details.
Research Group
Analysis and Differential Equations
Autumn Semester
MA4001 Functional Analysis
Spring Semester
MA1001 Elementary Differential Equations
Administrative Duties
Director of Research
Member of the School of Mathematics Management Board
Member of School Research Committee
Member of School Learning and Teaching Committee
Member of the Postgraduate Executive Team
Personal Website
Current and Past Collaborators
Malcolm Brown in the Computer Science Department here in Cardiff.
Des Evans in the School of Mathematics here in Cardiff.
Paolo Ghelardoni and Giovanni Gheri at Universita` di Pisa.
Leon Greenberg at the University of Maryland at College Park, sadly deceased in September 2003. James Hinchcliffe here in Cardiff.
Lucas Jodar of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.
Ian Knowles of University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Michael Levitin here in Cardiff, the new WIMCS professor of analysis.
Carsten Maple, now at Luton. Carsten was my first PhD student and got a chair before I did.
Sergei Naboko of Saint Petersburg State University.
John Pryce of the Royal Military College of Science, who was my PhD supervisor.
Roman Romanov of Saint Petersburg State University.
Andrei Shkalikov of Moscow State University.
Christiane Tretter of the University of Bern.
Matthias Langer of the University of Strathclyde
Marcus Wagenhofer of the University of Bremen.
Anton Zettl of Northern Illinois University.
Rudi Weikard of University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Ian Wood in Aberystwyth.
External Funding Since 2000
EPSRC postdoc grant GR/R20885/01 (2002 to 2005)
EPSRC postdoc grant EP/C008324/1 (2006 to 2008)
EPSRC VF grant GR/S74072/01 (2004 to 2006)
EPSRC VF grant GR/S47229/01 (2004)
Leverhulme Fellowship (2001 to 2002)
EPSRC VF grant GR/R44959/01 (2001 to 2002)
EPSRC VF grant GR/N26159/01 (2000 to 2001)
I have also had LMS funding for a number of short meetings.
Invited Conference and Workshop Talks
Bath-RAL NA Day, September 2008
`Numerical Approaches to Oscillatory Functions', Ghent, January 2008.
Banach Centre Spectral Theory Workshop, Warsaw, 2007; 2005; 2003.
Inverse Problems Workshop, Liverpool, 2006.
Durham Symposium on Spectral Theory, 2005
Operator Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics', keynote speaker, Poland, 2004.
AMS Meeting, Nashville, 2004.
Scottish Computational Mathematics Symposium, Edinburgh, 2001.
Postgraduate Students
Current Research Students
Aaron Hiscox (PhD student)
Ahmed Muhammad (PhD student)
Vic Duoba (Mphil student)
Carsten Maple (PhD student, now a professor of Computer Science)
Kieran Robert (PhD student)