Dr Angela Mihai

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75570
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75570
Location: M/2.14
Research Interest
My research is in the area of applied and computational mathematics at the interface with physical and life sciences and engineering. In particular, my research focus is on the rigorous mathematical modelling and numerical analysis of damage in structural and solid mechanics, including multiscale modelling, limit states analysis, and computational simulation for applications. Due to its economic impact, the development of robust and accurate methods to predict the appearances and progress of structural and material damage is of strategic importance and of long-term scientific interest. My work in this area is both theoretical and computational in nature and includes:
- Mathematics and mechanics of deformable solids and structures;
- Mathematical and computational modelling in science and engineering;
- Scientific computing.
Research Group
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Autumn Semester
MA2700 Numerical Analysis II
Spring Semester
MA1300 Mechanics I
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Solid Mechanics
A PDRA position is available to work with Dr Angela Mihai on the EPSRC funded research project `Limit Analysis of Collapse Sates in Cellular Solids' at the School of Mathematics, Cardiff University. For more information or to apply for this vacancy, please visit the job details page.
Grants Awarded
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) First Grant EP/M011992/1, April 2015 - March 2017.
IMA (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications) Small Grant SGS10/13, April 2013.
Postgraduate Students
PhD Studentship - A 3.5 years research studentship is available for a PhD study in the area of ‘Elastic Analysis of Biogenic Cellular Structures’ under the supervision of Dr Angela Mihai at the School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, starting in October 2015. Please enquire.
Khulud Alayyash - PhD candidate, Thesis title: Deformation and Collapse in Cellular Structures of Non-Linear Elastic Material, Cardiff School of Mathematics, April 2013 - Present.
I am a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, since October 2011. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Strathclyde in Glasgow. I hold a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Bucharest, Romania, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, and a DPhil in Numerical Analysis from the University of Durham.
Since May 2012, I am the faculty adviser for the Cardiff University Student Chapter of SIAM.
In March 2014, I was elected the Secretary & Treasurer of the UK & Republic of Ireland Section of SIAM (SIAM-UKIE) for the period April 1, 2014 - March 31, 2016.
SIAM-UKIE New Media to Help Increase Impact of Members' Activities in the Wider Community.
SIAM Chapter
First Meeting of Cardiff SIAM Student Chapter
SIAM News: Cardiff First SIAM Chapter Day
Prizes, Awards and Scholarships
Postdoctoral Researcher Prize, UK Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering, 2006.
The Euan Squires Memorial Prize, University of Durham, UK, 2003.
Student Presentation Prize, UK & Republic of Ireland Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2002.
Shell Centenary Scholarship, Shell Group & Cambridge University Trust, 1999-2000.