Professor Tim Phillips

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 74194
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 74194
Location: M/2.41
Research Interests
Professor Phillips’s research interests include numerical analysis, spectral methods, computational fluid dynamics and rheology. He is an international authority on high-order discretization methods for solving problems in computational fluid dynamics, especially with respect to problems in rheology. He has written over one hundred research articles and contributions to conference proceedings. His first book, Computational Rheology, was published by Imperial College Press in 2002. His research activities have generated substantial funding from EPSRC, EU and Industry. He is one of the principal investigators in an EPSRC funded Portfolio Partnership in the area of Complex Fluids and Complex Flows, which is an interdisciplinary research network involving chemical engineers and computer scientists at Swansea University. He is a member of the EPSRC College and Membership Secretary of the British Society of Rheology.
Research Group
Undergraduate - Autumn Semester
MA4008 Computational Fluid Dynamics
Undergraduate - Spring Semester
MA3304 Methods of Applied Mathematics
MAGIC066 Numerical Analysis
Administrative Duties
Chair of School Research Committee
Chair of School IT Committee
Chair of School REF Committee
Member of School Management Board
Member of School Learning and Teaching Committee
Member of MAGIC Academic Steering Committee
Member of ARCCA Operational and User Group
External Funding Since 2000
Type-Dependent Computations for Viscoelastic Flows. EPSRC £179,104.
Masters Training Package in Complex Fluids: Modelling, Computation and Industrial Applications. EPSRC £424,542.
Direct Numerical Simulation of Droplet-Gas Systems for Power Generation Applications. EPSRC £74,597.
The Prediction and Validation of Contraction Flows of Complex Fluids. EPSRC £148,161 (with D. M. Binding).
Portfolio Partnership in Complex Fluids and Complex Flows. EPSRC £3.1M (with UW Swansea).
Modelling of Mantle Convection. Leverhulme Trust £108,726 (with J. H. Davies).
UK Consortium On Mesoscale Engineering Sciences (UKCOMES). EPSRC £397,424.
Major Conference Talks Since 2007
Whence and whither computational rheology? Invited plenary speaker at the Conference on `Whither Rheology?', Lake Vyrnwy, Wales, April 2007.
Numerical simulation of flow past a cylinder using models of XPP type. International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM), Beijing, China, June 2007.
The prediction of complex flows of complex fluids using spectral element approximations. Invited speaker at Workshop on Higher Order Methods in Computational Science and Engineering, Swansea, May 2008.
Macroscopic and micro/macro methods for viscoelastic flows. Invited speaker at 4th MIDNAG Meeting on Computational Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows, Birmingham, October 2008.
Reduced basis function method for solving the 2D Fokker-Planck equation. Invited plenary speaker at the Second Southern African Conference on Rheology, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2008.
Recent advances in the computational modelling of complex fluids. Computational Modelling Cluster Plenary Talk at WIMCS Annual Meeting, Aberystwyth, December 2008.
Numerical simulation of viscoelastic flows. Invited keynote speaker at New Trends in Complex Fluids Modelling, Bran, Romania, June 2009.
Lattice Boltzmann models for fluid flow. Invited speaker at @Part From the Atom to the Part: Models and Computational Methods, an ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multiscale Modelling and Simulation, Nantes, France, October 2009.
High-order approximations of viscoelastic flow problems. Invited speaker at Symposium on High Accuracy Flow Simulations, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 2010.
Mathematical and computational modelling of compressible viscoelastic fluids. 6th Annual European Rheology Conference, Goteborg, Sweden, April 2010.
Mathematical and computational modelling of compressible viscoelastic fluids. Invited speaker at Computational Challenges in Partial Differential Equations. INI/WIMCS Meeting, Swansea, April 2011.
High-order approximations of viscoelastic flows. Invited plenary speaker at the Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Spring Meeting, Portmeirion, April 2011.
The influence of viscoelasticity on cavitation bubble dynamics. Invited speaker at Bubble Dynamics Workshop, Birmingham, July 2011.
Bubble collapse in compressible viscoelastic fluids using a spectral element marker particle method. 17th International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows, Blois, France, March 2012.
The effect of viscoelasticity on the dynamics of bubbles near rigid and free surfaces. Invited speaker at Bubble Dynamics Workshop, Birmingham, April 2012.
The effect of viscoelasticity on the dynamics of gas bubbles near free surfaces. XVIth International Congress on Rheology, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2012.
Bubble collapse in compressible viscoelastic fluids using a spectral element marker particle method. BSR Midwinter Meeting, Aberystwyth, December 2012.
Modelling the dynamics of gas bubbles near free surfaces. BSR Annual Award Lecture. Advances in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Royal Society International Conference Centre, Chicheley Hall, March 2013.
Conferences Organized
INNFM/BSR Conference on Complex Flows of Complex Fluids, Liverpool, March 2008.
Annual European Rheology Conference, Cardiff, April 2009.
Advances in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Chicheley Hall, March 2013.
British Applied Mathematics Colloquium to be held in Cardiff, April 2014.
Professional Responsibilities
Membership Secretary, British Society of Rheology, 2010-
Council Member, British Society of Rheology.
Editorial Board Member. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2012-
External examiner for the undergraduate degree schemes in Mathematics at Aberystwyth University, 2011-2015.
Member, EPSRC College, 2000-
Postgraduate Students
Tom Croft - Greedy Algorithms and the Proper Generalized Decomposition for Partial Differential Equations.
Edward Lewis - Lattice Boltzmann Models for Flows of Complex Fluids
Chris Rowlatt - Mathematical and Computational Modelling of Blood Flow.
Mike Walters - Bubble Dynamics.
List of graduated students with links to their homepages and theses
BA – Mathematics, University of Oxford, 1979.
MSc – Mathematics (mathematical modelling and numerical analysis), University of Oxford, 1980.
DPhil – Mathematics, University of Oxford, 1983.
MA – University of Oxford, 1987.
DSc – University of Oxford, 2004.
Previous Positions
Oct. 1982 - Sept. 1984. Research Scientist, Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE), NASA Langley Research Center, Virginia, U.S.A.
Oct. 1984 - Sept. 1992. New Blood Lecturer in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Department of Applied Mathematics, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Oct. 1992 - May 1996. Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
June 1996 - Feb. 2000. Reader, Department of Mathematics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
March 2000 - August 2004. Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.