Dr Nikos Savva

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75116
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75116
Location: M/2.47
Research Interests
* Complex flows: wetting phenomena; investigation of free-surface flows supported on substrates influenced by substrate morphology (chemical and topographical), vibrations or other effects, such as the presence of a turbulent gas; dynamics of curved, unsupported liquid films; liquid jets.
* Applied mathematical modelling: singular perturbation methods and matched asymptotics; dynamical systems and bifurcation analysis; stochastic processes; physical resolution of singularities in mathematical models.
* Numerical methods: accurate and efficient numerical schemes for nonlinear PDEs via spectrally accurate methods; improved numerical schemes for dynamic density functional theory; numerical continuation.
* Statistical mechanics of inhomogeneous fluids: analytical approaches to density functional theory; extensions to far-from-equilibrium dynamics; formalism.
Research Group
Autumn Semester
MA0232 Modelling with Differential Equations
MA3303 Theoretical & Computational PDEs
Major Conference Talks
Contact line dynamics on heterogeneous substrates. Invited speaker at the International Focus Workshop, Multiscale Complex Fluid Flows and Interfacial Phenomena, Dresden, Germany, October 2012.
Postgraduate Students
Students co-advised informally at Imperial College London:
Mr. Rajagopal Vellingiri - Thin film flows and droplet dynamics (co-advised with Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis)
Mr. Petr Yatsyshin - Numerical methods for the equations of the classical density-functional theory (co-advised with Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis)
PhD – Applied Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 09/2007.
BSc – Applied Mathematics, Engineering and Physics (AMEP), University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 12/2001.
Previous Positions
11/2007 – 02/2012 Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
•MIT Presidential Fellowship (2002)
•Four-year Fulbright Scholar (1997-2001)