Dr Karl Michael Schmidt

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 76778
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 76778
Location: M/2.49
Research Interests
Ordinary and Partial Differential Operators
Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics
Asymptotic Analysis of Differential Equations
Analysis in Probability Theory
Mathematical Methods in Medical Genetics
Research Group
Analysis and Differential Equations
Undergraduate - Autumn Semester
MA0221 Analysis III
Undergraduate - Spring Semester
MA3005 Functional and Fourier Analysis
Postgraduate - Autumn Semester
Spectral Theory of Ordinary Differential Operators
Administrative Duties
Director of Postgraduate Research Studies
Isaac Newton Institute Correspondent
Member of School Research Committee
Member of School Learning and Teaching Committee
Member of Graduate School in Physical Sciences & Engineering Management Group
Personal Website
Research Interests
- Spectral properties of Dirac and Schroedinger operators: fine structure and numerics of spectra; massless Dirac operator; Klein paradox; asymptotic spectral density; anomalous magnetic moment; graph operators
- Inequalities: Bargmann-, Hardy-, HELP-type inequalities
- Applications of spectral analysis: stability problems in differential geometry; operators in orthogonal polynomial theory; singular spectrum analysis of time series; approximate spectral projectors in signal processing
- Mathematical methods in genetics: dynamics of genotyping error models; stochastic analysis of tests in medical genetics; influence of correlations (linkage disequilibrium)
Current Research Funding
- Isaac Newton Institute programme 'SRO: Spectral Theory of Relativistic Operators' (Cambridge)
- Richard Whipp studentship `Analysis of dynamical processes for test assessment in Medical Genetics' (Cardiff University)
Major Conference Talks Since 2004
- Himeji Conference on Partial Differential Equations (Univ. Hyogo & Ritsumeikan Univ., 2/2011)
- UK-China Workshop on Singular Spectrum Analysis and its Applications (Cardiff, 9/2010)
- Analysis on Graphs and its Applications (INI Cambridge, 7/2010)
- IWOTA 2010 (Berlin, 7/2010)
- Gregynog Workshop on Analytical and Computational Problems in Spectral Theory (Gregynog, 7/2008)
- EPSRC Symposium, The Mathematics of Quantum Systems, Spectral Theory Workshop (Warwick, 4/2005)
- Spectral Theory Network Conference (Cardiff, 7/2004)
Conference Organiser
New Developments in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Applications, INI Cambridge 8/2012
Spectral Analysis and Differential Equations, Cardiff 7/2013
Postgraduate Students
Graduated (Since 2000)
S Monaquel (joint supervision with W D Evans) - Some Problems Associated with Differential and Difference Equations, PhD 2004
S Aumann (joint supervision with B M Brown) - A Hardy-Littlewood-Type Inequality for the p-Laplacian, MPhil 2007
M Ghodsi (joint supervision with V Moskvina) - Analysis of Dynamical Processes for Test Assessment in Medical Genetics, PhD 2012
D Hughes - Spectral Analysis of Dirac Operators under Integrability Conditions, PhD 2012
M Vronskaya (joint supervision with A. Zhigljavsky) --- Stability of Singular Spectrum Analysis
and Causality in Time Series
1990 Dipl. phys. (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen)
1992 Dr. rer. nat. (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen)
1999 Habilitation (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen)
Previous Positions
1992-1993 Research fellow (Mathematisches Institut, LMU Muenchen)
1993-2000 Lecturer (Mathematisches Institut, LMU Muenchen)
1994-1995 Visiting Associate (Dept Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena)
2000-2003 Lecturer (School of Mathematics, Cardiff)
2003-2009 Senior Lecturer (School of Mathematics, Cardiff)