Dr Tamara Tararykova
Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75553
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75553
Location: M/2.18
Research Interests
Real and Functional Analysis and Applications (Hardy operator, Hardy-
Steklov operator, convolutions, singular integrals, general Morrey-type spaces,
Nikol'skii-Besov spaces with fractional order of smoothness, regularization of
convolution-type equations).
Recent Significant Publications
Burenkov, V. I., Guliyev V. S., Serbetchi A., Tararykova T. V., Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of the genuine singular integral operators in the local Morrey-type spaces. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. 1 (2010), no. 1, 32-53.
Burenkov, V. I., Senouci, A., Tararykova, T. V. Equivalent quasi-norms involving di fferences and moduli of continuity. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 55 (2010), issue 8-10, 759-769.
Akbulut, A., Ekincioglu, I., Serbetchi, A., Tararykova T.V. Boundedness of the anisotropic fractional maximal operator in anisotropic local Morrey-type spaces (submitted for publication).
Burenkov V. I., Jain P., Tararykova T. V., On boundedness of the Hardy operator in Morrey-type spaces (submitted for publication).
Logon T., Tararykova T.V. Regularization of periodic convolution-type equations in spaces with fractional order of smoothness (in preparation).
Tararykova, T. V. An explicit representation as quasi-sum of squares of a polynomial generated by the AG inequality. Math. Inequal. Appl. 9 (2006), no. 4, 649-659.
Tararykova, T. V. On the support of a generalized convolution. Evraziiskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal (2007), no. 2, 59-63.
Burenkov, V. I., Jain, P., Tararykova, T. V. On Hardy-Steklov and geometric Steklov operators. Mathematische Nachrichten 280 (2007), no. 11, 1244-1256.
Senouci, A., Tararykova, T. V. Hardy-type inequality for 0 < p < 1. Evraziiskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal (2008), no. 2, 111-115.
Burenkov V. I., Guliyev V. S., Tararykova, T. V., Serbetchi, A. Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of the genuine singular integral operators in the local Morrey-type spaces. Doklady Ross. Akad. Nauk. Matematika. 422 (2008), no. 1, 11-14 (in Russian). English transl. in Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. 78 (2008), no. 2, 651-654.
Sarybekova, L. O., Tararykova, T. V., Tleukhanova, N. T. On a generalization of the Lizorkin theorem. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 13 (2010), no. 3, 613-624.
Burenkov, V. I., Guliyev V. S., Serbetchi A., Tararykova T. V., Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of the genuine singular integral operators in the local Morrey-type spaces. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. 1 (2010), no. 1, 32-53.
Burenkov, V. I., Senouci, A., Tararykova, T. V. Equivalent quasi-norms involving di fferences and moduli of continuity. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 55 (2010), issue 8-10, 759-769.
Akbulut, A., Ekincioglu, I., Serbetchi, A., Tararykova T.V. Boundedness of the anisotropic fractional maximal operator in anisotropic local Morrey-type spaces (submitted for publication).
Burenkov V. I., Jain P., Tararykova T. V., On boundedness of the Hardy operator in Morrey-type spaces (submitted for publication).
Logon T., Tararykova T.V. Regularization of periodic convolution-type equations in spaces with fractional order of smoothness (in preparation).
Research Projects
2006-2009, grant of INTAS, project "Function spaces and applications to partial differential equations", vice-coordinator.
2010-2011, grant of DFG (Germany)project "Function spaces and applications", participant.
Research visits
Friedrich-Schiller University Jena (Jena, Germany, June 2006)
Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan, September 2006)
Russian-Armenian State University (Yerevan, Armenia, January 2007)
Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Moscow, Russia, June 2007)
University Paris VII (Paris, France, December 2007)
Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Moscow, Russia, May 2008)
Dumlupinar University (Kutaya, Turkey, August 2009)
Friedrich-Schiller University Jena (Jena, Germany, July 2010)
Research visitors to Cardiff School of Mathematics
V. Guliyev (2006, 2007)
L. Sarybekova (2007)
A. Temirkhanova (2007)
A. Senouci (2008)
T. Logon (2008)
N. Bokaev (2008)
N. Temirgaliev (2008)
Invited speakers to give talks at the Analysis seminar of Cardiff School of Mathematics
Professors V. Guliyev (2006)
H-J. Schmeisser (2007)
N. Bokaev (2008)
N. Temirgaliev (2008)
R. Ismagilov (2010).
International conferences
August 2007, Ankara (Turkey). 6th Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation.
September 2007, Astana (Kazakhstan). Conference "Weighted estimates for differential and integral operators and applications".
December 2007, Paris (France). Conference on analysis and differential equations.
May 2008, Fethye (Turkey). Conference "Inverse problems".
May 2008, Cortona (Italy). Conference "Liouville theorems and detours".
June/July 2008, Rome (Italy). Conference on differential equations dedicated to 70th birthday of Professor Maz'ya.
July 2008, Freyburg (Germany). Conference on function spaces and applications.
July 2009, Almaty (Kazakhstan). 3d Congress of Mathematicians of the Turk World.
Postgraduate Students
In 2009 L. Sarybekova gained PhD degree in Astana, Kazakhstan (joint supervision: T. Tararykova and N. Tleukhanova - in the framework of the Cooperation agreement between Cardi ff University and Eurasian National University).