Dr Otgonbayar Uuye
Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75528
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 70936
Location: M/2.03
Research Interest
Noncommutative Geometry – index theory, K-theory and KK-theory, cyclic theory.
Noncommutative Algebraic Topology – noncommutative homotopy theory, connective K-theory.
Research Group
Mathematical Physics (Noncommutative Geometry)
Autumn Semester
MA3003 Groups Rings and Fields
Personal Website
External Funding.
EPSRC Postdoc Research Fellowship (grant EP/I026703/1).
Major Conference Talks
Restriction Maps in Equivariant KK-theory, Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2011.
Homotopical Algebra for C^*-algebras, NestFest, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2010.
Homotopical Algebra for C^*-algebras, EU-NCG 3rd Annual Meeting, Cardiff University, UK, July 2010.
Category of fibrant objects in C^*-algebras, Semiprojectivity and Asymptotic Morphisms, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2010.
Pseudo-differential Operators and Regularity of Spectral Triples, Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2010.
On the local index theorem of Connes and Moscovici, Noncommutative Geometry, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, September 2009.
The Baum-Connes conjecture in KK-theory, Research Workshop on KK-Theory and its Applications, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster, Germany, July 2009.
Localizing the JLO-cocycle, C^*-algebras & Applications, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2009.
Multiplicity and the JLO-cocycle, The 2nd School & Conference on Noncommutative Geometry, IPM, Iran, April 2009.
JLO character and A-infinity exterior product, Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2009.
Noncommutative Geometry and Index Theory, Ih Seminar, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia, December 2008.
Multiplicativity of Index Cocycles, Danish-Norwegian workshop on operator algebras, Norway, December 2008.
Multiplicativity of Index Cocycles, Nordic - Øresund Symposium, Lunds University, Sweden, November 2008.
Introduction to the Baum-Connes conjecture, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Penn State University, USA, December 2005.
The Baum-Connes conjecture for KK-theory, Seminar at the Center in NCG, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2005.
The Baum-Connes conjecture for KK-theory, Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Tokyo, Japan, January 2004.
Property (RD) groups in noncommutative geometry, Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Tokyo, Japan, November 2002.
BSc - University of Tokyo, 2002.
MSc - University of Tokyo, 2004.
PhD - Pennsylvania State University, 2008.
Previous Positions
2008 - 2011, Postdoc at Department of Mathematical Sciences, Copenhagen University, Denmark.