Professor Anatoly Zhigljavsky

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75076
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75076
Location: M/2.34
Research Interests
Time Series Analysis
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Statistical Modelling in Market Research
Stochastic Global Optimisation
Probabilistic Methods in Search and Number Theory
Dynamical system approach for studying convergence of search algorithms
Research Group
Autumn Semester
MA1002 Intro to Dynamic Systems & Chaos
Spring Semester
MA3502 Regression and Experimental Design
Administrative Duties
Senior Management Committee (member)
Member of School Research Committee
Member of School Management Board
Member of School Learning and Teaching Committee
Board of Studies (member)
Subject panel (member)
Personal Website
External Funding Since 2000
A series of projects with Procter and Gamble on statistical modelling in Market Research (total amount about £ 200 000)
Two projects (2003-2004 and 2006-2008) with AcNielsen/BASES on statistical modelling in consumer behaviour (total amount about £ 40 000)
A project with GlaxoSmithKline on statistical modelling in biopharmaceutical studies (2003/04, about £ 15 000)
A project with GlaxoSmithKline on statistical modelling in environmental science (2003/04, about £ 10 000)
Postgraduate Students
Graduated (Since 2000)
Malcolm Morrissey (graduated 2002)
Mathew Jones (graduated 2003)
Vippal Savani (graduated 2005)
Anna Kelbert (graduated 2005)
Rebecca Haycroft (graduated 2007)
Emily Hamilton (graduated 2009)
Bayda Fathi
Hossein Hassani
Gareth Howell
Annette Woehl
MSc - University of St.Petersburg, Russia, 1976
PhD - University of St.Petersburg, Russia, 1981
Habilitation - University of St.Petersburg, Russia, 1987
Further details on my education are available on my personal website
Previous Positions
Further details on my previous positions are available on my personal website