Dr Jonathan Thompson

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75524
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75524
Location: M/0.27
Research Interests
Graph theoretic modelling
Meta-heuristics - particularly ant systems, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing
Scheduling problems - examination scheduling, sports fixture scheduling, manpower planning
Research Group
Recent Significant Publications
Lewis, R., X. Song, K. Dowsland and J. Thompson (2011) 'An Investigation into two Bin Packing Problems with Ordering and Orientation Implications'. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 213, pp. 52-65.
Lewis, R. and J. Thompson (2011) 'On the Application of Graph Colouring Techniques in Round-Robin Sports Scheduling'. Computers and Operations Research, vol. 38(1), pp 190-204.
Song, X, C. Chu, R. Lewis, Y. Nie, and J. Thompson (2009) 'A Worst Case Analysis of a Dynamic Programming-based Heuristic Algorithm for 2D Unconstrained Guillotine Cutting'. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 202(2), pp 368-378.
MA0358 Mathematical Programming
Operational Research Methods
Administrative Duties
Admissions Tutor
Year One Director of Studies
Marketing of Degree schemes
Prospectus (undergraduate)
University Open Day co-ordinator
Chair of Schools Admissions Committee
Member of School Management Board
Member of School Learning and Teaching Committee
Member of School IT committee
Member of School Staff/Student Panel
Member of Statistics / OR Subject Panel
Lewis, R., X. Song, K. Dowsland and J. Thompson (2011) 'An Investigation into two Bin Packing Problems with Ordering and Orientation Implications'. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 213, pp. 52-65.
Lewis, R. and J. Thompson (2011) 'On the Application of Graph Colouring Techniques in Round-Robin Sports Scheduling'. Computers and Operations Research, vol. 38(1), pp 190-204.
Song, X, C. Chu, R. Lewis, Y. Nie, and J. Thompson (2009) 'A Worst Case Analysis of a Dynamic Programming-based Heuristic Algorithm for 2D Unconstrained Guillotine Cutting'. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 202(2), pp 368-378.
Thompson JM, Staggemeier A, J Smith, A Clarke (2007), Improving our Knowledge of metaheuristic approaches for cell suppression problems, proceedings of the Eurostat Conference on Statistical Data Confidentiality, Titchford.
Dowsland K A and Thompson J M - Solving a nurse scheduling problem with knapsacks, networks and tabu search JORS 51 (2000) 825-833 ISSN: Applied Mathematics.
Thompson J M - Kicking timetabling problems into touch, OR Insight Volume 12 Issue 3 (1999), pp 7 -15.
Thompson J M and Dowsland K A - Variants of simulated annealing for the examination timetabling problem, Annals of Opns Res, (1996) 63 pp 105-128.
Thompson J M and Dowsland K A - General cooling schedules for a simulated annealing based timetabling system. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (1996) Volume 1153. The Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling E. Burke, D. Corne, B. Paechter and P. Ross (editors).
Thompson J M and Dowsland K A - TISSUE wipes away exam tears. OR Insight 8, (1995) No. 4 pp 28-32.
External Funding Since 2000
Two projects with The Office of National Statistics to investigate the Cell Suppression Problem (2005 and 2006).
Major Conference Talks Since 2004
2007 – The Operational Research Society Conference, Edinburgh, UK – The Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem
2006 – The Operational Research Society Conference, Bath, UK – GRASP for the nurse scheduling problem
2004 - Combinatorial Optimisation, Lancaster, UK - Ants for graph colouring
Postgraduate Students
Graduated (Since 2000)
Nick Pugh – Ants for Examination Timetabling (2004)
David Parr – A comparison of solution methods for the nurse scheduling problem (2004)
Steven Casey – A comparison of methods for the examination timetabling problem (2005)
Max Wallace – The Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (2007)
Melissa Goodman –Construction-Based Metaheuristics for Personnel Scheduling problems (2008)
Vicky Reynish – An Investigation into the University Timetabling Problem (2008)
Penny Holborn - Optimisation Method for Dynamic Operational Research Problems
PhD – The examination scheduling problem, Swansea University (1995)
Previous Positions
Lecturer in Statistics and Operational Research, Edinburgh University, 1996-7
Research Assistant, Swansea University, 1994-6.
Other Projects
Dr Jonathan Thompson has also completed projects with several companies including WH Smiths, John Menzies and the International Rugby Board. He is an active researcher in the areas of heuristics, and particularly in timetabling, manpower planning and scheduling. He has recently extended his research to vehicle routing problems and in particular, real time routing. He is currently a member of the organising committee of the OR49 conference held in Edinburgh this September. He has organised several streams on scheduling at OR conferences. He is on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Operational Research and on the Programme Committee for several conferences such as GECCO, PPSN and PATAT.