Miss Penny Holborn - BSc Cardiff

Telephone: -
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: -
Location: M/1.34
Dr J M Thompson and Dr R Lewis
Start Date: October 2009
Thesis Title: "Dynamic vehicle routing problems with pickups, deliveries and time windows"
Research Interests
Dynamic Vehicle routing
The application and analysis of heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms
OR applied to Transportation and logistics
Research Group
Tutoring and Teaching Responsiblities
Autumn Semester
MA0122 - Algebra I (Group A and B)
Spring Semester
MAT004 - Computational Methods
MA0276 - Visual Basic Programming for OR
External Courses
An Introductory Course in data management
SAS data step, macro programming and SQL
Applied Statistics: An Introduction
Statistics for Beginners
Administrate duties
Postgraduate representative for School of Mathematics
Secretary of Postgraduate Student/Staff panel
Postgraduate representative of the Student/Staff panel
Member of School Health and Safety panel
Member of Operational Research Group
Maths Support tutor
Holborn, P. L., J. M. Thompson, and R. Lewis (2012). 'Combining Heuristic and Exact Methods to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickups, Deliveries and Time Windows'. In Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 7245), J.-K. Hao and M. Middendorf (Eds.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 63-74.
2nd Student Conference of Operational Research (SCOR); University of Nottingham, April 2010
Speaking of Science Conference; Cardiff University, May 2010
OR52; Royal Holloway, London, September 2010
IFORS; Melbourne, Australia, July 2011
SWORDS; Regional Meeting, Cardiff, October 2011
EvoCop; Malaga, Spain, April 2012
3rd Student Conference on Operational Research (SCOR); University of Nottingham, April 2012
Poster Presentations:
LANCS Initiative Advisory Board Meeting; London, December 2011
Vice-Chair of the 3rd Student Conference of Operational Research (SCOR2012), held at the University of Nottingham.
Winner of the Best Presentation award at the 2nd Student Conference of Operational Research (SCOR); Nottingham University; April 2010.