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MAT002 - Statistical Methods

Catalogue Entry

This course will introduce to the students a range of fundamental statistical techniques. The broad aims of this course are three-fold:
1. To allow students to gain an appreciation and understanding of the theoretical underpinnings behind some common statistical procedures.
2. To inform students how to apply a combination of these statistical techniques to real-life data sets using commonly used statistical packages.
3. To give students the opportunity to practise communicating statistical findings to a wide variety of audiences.




Dr J W Gillard, Dr R Lewis and Mrs Julie Vile

Recommended Books

The following books are recommended texts for this module:-

Agresti and Franklin. Statistics: the Art and Science of Learning from Data (Pearson Education).

Everitt and Dunn. Applied Multivariate Data Analysis (Hodder Arnold).

Casella, G. and Berger, R. L., Statistical Inference (Duxbury).

DeGroot, M. H., Probability and Statistics (Addison-Wesley).

Mood, A .M., Graybill, F. A., and Boes, D. C., Introducion to the Theory of Statistics (McGraw-Hill).

Krzanowski, W.J. Principles of Multivariate Analysis (Oxford).

Johnson, R.A. and Wichern, D.W. Applied Multivariate Analysis (Prentice Hall).

Mardia, K.V., Kent, J.T. and Bibby, J.M. Multivariate Analysis (Academic Press).

More specific references will be given at relevant parts of the course, and additional material will be made available on Blackboard.

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