Dr Jonathan Gillard

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 70619
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 70619
Location: M/1.26
Research Interests
- Matrix low-rank approximation and its interface in statistical methodologies such as time series analysis and signal processing
- Measurement error models and method comparison studies
- Development of novel statistical techniques for applied and interdisciplinary research
- Mathematics education
Research Group
Postgraduate - Autumn Semester
MAT002 Statistical Methods
Undergraduate - Autumn Semester
MA3501 Elements of Mathematical Statistics
Undergraduate - Spring Semester
MA1501 Statistical Inference
I also lead and deliver various external courses on the statistical programming package SAS to both technical and non-technical audiences. More information on the external courses run with colleagues at MATHS can be found here.
Personal Web Page: http://www.jonathangillard.co.uk/
Administrative Duties
Member of Board of Studies
Member of Research Committee
Member of Module Review Panel
Member of Staff/Student Panel
Secretary of Learning and Teaching Committee
Statistics Support Tutor for the Maths Support Service
My research interests generally fall under the following four headings:
- Matrix low-rank approximation and its interface in statistical methodologies such as time series analysis and signal processing
- Measurement error models and method comparison studies
- Development of novel statistical techniques for applied and interdisciplinary research
- Mathematics education
For Further details of Jonathan Gillard's research, see his personal webpage: http://www.jonathangillard.co.uk/
Dr Jonathan Gillard is a senior lecturer in Statistics, who studied for a PhD investigating measurement error models and their practical applications. He is currently working towards Chartered Statistician accreditation with the Royal Statistical Society, and has obtained a postgraduate qualification in learning and teaching. Dr Gillard is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is presently actively pursuing a number of research interests and has wide experience of interdisciplinary and collaborative work.