
Cardiff School of Mathematics has a large community of postgraduate students working in all the specialist areas of research in the School. The School is one of the founders of the recently established Welsh Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences which was established with the aid of a multi-million pound grant from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales. We also benefit from substantial research funding from the EPSRC, which finances approximately 40% of our research students and provides funding for an MSc in Computing in the Physical Sciences. Many research projects in the School are being generously funded by other the public and private bodies too, including the European Union, the Leverhulme Trust, the Ministry of Defence, the Wellcome Trust, GlaxoSmithKline, and Proctor and Gamble. Each year we hold international meetings in all our main research areas and host distinguished visiting scholars from all over the world. We provide a lively postgraduate environment which students will find exciting, challenging and rewarding.

Postgraduate Taught
We currently offer 2 MSC courses in Operational Research and Applied Statistics, and Operational Research, Applied Statistics and Risk.

Postgraduate Research
The main areas of research supported by the School include Analysis and Differential Equations, Number Theory, Operator Algebras and K-Theory, Newtonian and non-Newtonian Fluid Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Conformal Field Theory, Numerical Analysis, Statistics and Operational Research.
Postgraduate Open Day
The next Postgraduate Open Day will be held on Wednesday November 26th 2014. For more details click here.