Dr Gandalf Lechner

Telephone: +44(0)29 2087 5553
Fax: +44(0)29 2087 4199
Extension: 75553
Location: M/2.18
Research Interests
My research interests are mostly in Mathematical Physics, with an emphasis on Quantum Field Theory, formulated with the tools of Operator Algebras and Non-Commutative Geometry. In Quantum Field Theory, I am also particularly interested in Integrable Models and their relation to Inverse Scattering Theory. Another research direction of mine is about questions in Operator Theory that arise in the study of spaces of holomorphic functions.
- Mathematical Physics
- Quantum Field Theory
- Operator Algebras
- Non-Commutative Geometry
- Integrable Models
- Operator Theory and Complex Analysis
Research Group
Geometry, Algebra, Mathematical Physics and Topology
Personal Website
Conferences Organised:
- Recent Mathematical Developments in Quantum Field Theory, Oberwolfach, 2016 (with A. Abdesselam S. Hollands, C. Kopper)
- Session "Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory" at the 14th Marcel Grossmann meeting, Universita La Sapienza, July 2015 (with G. Ruzzi)
- LQP 31 – Workshop “Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT”, Leipzig University, November 2012 (with R. Verch)
- Rigorous quantum field theory in the LHC era, ESI Vienna, September 2011 (with C. Jaekel and C. Kopper)
Major Conference Talks since 2008:
Representations of Rieffel-deformed C*-algebras and deformations of inclusions, Workshop on "Deformation Quantization: Between Formal and Strict", Oberwolfach, February 2015
The structure of the field algebra in non-commutative QFT and uniqueness of its KMS states, Invited speaker at conference "Quantum Mathematical Physics", Regensburg, September 2014
Hyperbolic PDEs with non-commutative time, Invited speaker at conference "Frontiers in Fundamental Physics", Marseille, July 2014
Operator algebras and the construction of models in quantum field theory, Invited speaker at conference "FJIM 2014", Bilbao, July 2014
Construction of quantum field theories by deformation techniques. Invited main talk in the QFT session of the DPG Spring Conference, Berlin, March 2014
Hyperbolic PDEs with star product potentials. Invited speaker at conference "GEOQUANT 2013", ESI Vienna, August 2013
Non-Local Perturbations of Hyperbolic PDEs and QFT on Noncommutative Spacetimes, Invited speaker at conference "Mathematics and Quantum Physics", Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, July 2013
Borchers triples and the construction of models in quantum field theory, Invited speaker at "Memorial Symposium Hans-Juergen Borchers - A Life for Relativistic Quantum Field Theory", Goettingen, October 2012
KMS states of deformed quantum field theories, Invited speaker at conference "Algebraic Quantum Field Theory and Local Symmetries", Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, September 2012
Thermal Equilibrium States for QFTs on Moyal Minkowski Spacetime. Contributed talk in International Congress on Mathematical Physics (ICMP), Aalborg, August 2012
Constructive algebraic quantum field theory at the example of integrable models. Invited speaker at conference "Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistical Mechanics", DESY, Hamburg, July 2012
Locally Noncommutative Spacetimes and Quantum Field Theory. Invited speaker at conference "Planckland", SISSA, Trieste, February 2012
Oscillatory integrals for vector-valued symbols and locally noncommutative spacetimes, Invited speaker at conference "Harmonic Analysis, Deformation Quantization, Noncommutative Geometry", Scalea, Italy, September 2011
Local and covariant deformations of quantum field theories, Invited speaker at conference "Quantum Theory and Gravitation", Zurich, June 2011
Local and covariant deformations of observable algebras in QFT, Workshop "Deformation Methods in Mathematics and Physics", Oberwolfach, September 2010
Deformations of Quantum Field Theories, Invited speaker at NITheP Workshop "Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime", University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, August 2010
Deformations of Operator Algebras and the Construction of Quantum Field Theories, Invited speaker at International Congress on Mathematical Physics (ICMP), Operator Algebras Session, Prague, August 2009
Deformations of Operator Algebras and the Construction of Quantum Field Theories, Invited speaker at conference "Algebraic Quantum Field Theory - The first 50 years", Goettingen, July 2009
Field Deformations vs Lagrangian Deformations in Noncommutative QFT, Invited speaker at "Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Field Theory", Chennai, December 2008
Noncommutative Deformations of Wightman Quantum Field Theories, Invited speaker at conference "Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory", Vienna, September 2008
Postgraduate Students
S Alazzawi (joint supervision with J Yngvason) - Deformations of Quantum Field Theories and the Construction of Interacting Models, PhD 2014 (Vienna)
T Ludwig (joint supervision with R Verch) - Wick Rotation for Quantum Field Theories on Degenerate Moyal Space, PhD 2013 (Leipzig) /p>
E Morfa-Morales (joint supervision with J Yngvason) - Deformations of Quantum Field Theories on Curved Spacetimes, PhD 2012 (Vienna)
A Huber - Thermal Equilibrium States in Deformed Quantum Field Theory, Diploma 2012 (Vienna)
C Schuetzenhofer - Multi-particle S-matrix models in 1+1 dimensions and associated QFTs, Diploma 2011 (Vienna)
2002 Dipl. Phys. (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen)
2006 Dr. rer. nat. (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen)
Previous Positions
2006 - PostDoc in the DFG research project "Modular Structure and Particle Aspects of Quantum Field Theory" at Goettingen University
2007 - Junior Research Fellow at the Erwin Schroedinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna
2007 - "Experienced Researcher" in the Marie Curie Research Training network “Quantum Spaces – Noncommutative Geometry” at its Vienna node
2008-2011 - Assistant in the Mathematical Physics Group at the University of Vienna
2011-2015 - Assistant in the Quantum Field Theory and Gravity group at the University of Leipzig