Geometry, Algebra, Mathematical Physics and Topology: GAPT

Our interests sweep a broad range of topics, from Algebra, Geometry, Topology including Operator Algebras, and Non-commutative Geometry in Pure Mathematics to Algebraic and Conformal Quantum Field Theory and Integrable Statistical Mechanics in Mathematical Physics.
Key Current Research Areas
Pure Mathematics
- Algebraic Geometry
- DG categories and derived categories associated to algebraic varieties
- Operator algebras and non-commutative geometry
- Subfactors and planar algebras
- Orbifolds and the McKay correspondence in Algebraic Geometry and Subfactor Theory
- Categorification problems, Mirror symmetry, Moduli spaces
- Quiver representations in Algebraic Geometry and Subfactor Theory
- K-theory - including twisted and equivariant versions
- Quantum symmetries: subfactors, tensor categories, Hopf algebras, quantum groups;
- Enumerative Combinatorics
Mathematical Physics
- Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
- Conformal Field Theory
- Statistical Mechanics: classical and quantum, integrable systems
Event | Day and time | Room |
Group Seminar | Thursday 15:10 | M/2.06 |
Academic Staff
- Dr Roger Behrend
- Professor David E Evans
- Dr Gandalf Lechner
- Dr Timothy Logvinenko
- Dr Mathew Pugh
- G A Elliott (Honorary Professor)
- V F R Jones (Honorary Professor)