Research Centres
Health Modelling Centre Cymru (hmc2)

Health Modelling Centre Cymru (hmc²) is an initiative of the Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences which builds out from the current expertise in this field across Wales, fostering collaboration across different research areas of the mathematical and computational sciences, to create a more vibrant and effective interface between the mathematical research community, the medical research community, NHS Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Health industry.
Activities within this all-Wales centre focus on producing high quality research, transitioning that research into effective outcomes, building capacity, and promoting the interaction between mathematical and computational modelling and better health delivery.
The objectives are to contribute to the science base, to facilitate innovative individualised clinical approaches, and lead to strategies for more effective and efficient healthcare and service delivery across Wales and beyond.
Centre for Optimisation and its Applications

The Centre for Optimisation and Its Applications at Cardiff University is an interdisciplinary center which encourages joint research and applied projects among members of the Schools of Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science and and Business. It also encourages increased awareness of the rapidly growing field of optimisation through publications, conferences, joint research and student exchange. The director of the Centre is Professor Anatoly Zhigljavsky from the School of Mathematics.
Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (WIMCS)

The School of Mathematics is an integral part of the Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (WIMCS) created in 2006 (with HEFCW support) by Cardiff University in partnership with the University of Wales Colleges of Aberystwyth, Bangor and Swansea. The aims of the Institute are to further collaboration in research in mathematics and its applications, to encourage interdisciplinary research, to foster links with industry, commerce and business, and to provide a forum for education and public awareness of the mathematical sciences.