Dr Timothy Logvinenko

Telephone: +44(0)29 208 75546
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74199
Extension: 75546
Location: M/2.44
Research Interests
My research focuses on studying DG-categories and derived categories associated to algebraic varieties and applying the knowledge of them to solve problems in various areas of algebraic geometry, including:
* Orbifolds and the McKay correspondence
* Categorification problems
* Mirror symmetry
* Moduli spaces
* Quiver representations
Research Group
Geometry, Algebra, Mathematical Physics and Topology
Spring Semester
MA0212 - Linear Algebra
External Funding:
A 3-year EPSRC research grant of £354,105 in “Orbifolds and Birational Geometry” (EP/H023267/1) (Dec 2009)(together with Prof. Miles Reid)
A 2-year Royal Society International Joint Project grant of £14,000 for collaboration with Steklov Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences on “Varieties, orbifolds and derived categories” (May 2011) )(together with Prof. Miles Reid).
Main organiser of:
“Geometry and Algebra of Orbifolds and the McKay Correspondence”,
Aug 9th-14th 2010, University of Warwick
“Russian-British Winter School on the McKay Correspondence”,
Feb 20th-25th 2012, University of Warwick
“AGTP: School on Algebraic Geometry and Theoretical Physics”,
Jul 9th-14th 2012, University of Warwick
Homological Projective Duality and Noncommutative Geometry”,
Oct 8th-13th 2012, University of Warwick
“Edge days”,
Jun 7th-9th 2013, University of Edinburgh
Major Conference Talks
“Kinosaki Algebraic Geometry Symposium”,
Kinosaki, Japan, October 2005
“KIAS School on Derived Categories of Coherent Sheaves” ,
KIAS, Seoul, Korea, April 2006
“Moduli spaces and Hilbert Schemes”,
Institut Mittag-Leffler, October 2006-May 2007
“COE-COW: International Conference at Algebraic Geometry”,
University of Tokyo, Japan, December 2008
“i-MATH School on Derived Algebraic Geometry”,
Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, June 2009
“Workshop on Recent Advances in Mathematics at IPMU”,
IPMU, University of Tokyo, Japan, November 2009
“Workshop on the McKay Correspondence”,
University of Nagoya, Japan, March 2010
“Quotient Singularities Workshop”,
University of Edinburgh, June 2010
“Moduli Spaces”,
Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, Jan-June 2011
“Computational aspects of birational geometry”,
NIMS, Daejeon, South Korea, March 2011
“Derived categories in algebraic geometry",
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, September 2011
“Conference on resolution of singularities and the McKay correspondence”,
University of Nagoya, Japan, May 2012
“Workshop on Essential Dimension and Cremona Groups”,
Chern Institute of Mathematics, China, June 2012
“Birational Geometry and Derived Categories”,
University of Vienna, August 2012
“Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry”,
University of Tokyo, January 2013
“Triangulations and Mutations”,
Newcastle University, March 2013
LMS Invited Lectures on “Birational Geometry and Galois Groups”,
University of Edinburgh, June 2013
A research visit award, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik at Bonn, Feb-Apr 2010
“Research in Pairs” award (with Rina Anno), CIRM, Trento, May-Jun 2011
“The Roberts’ Fund for Researchers” award, for a research visit to IPMU at Tokyo, Sep 2011
“Looking to the Future: The Next Generation of Mathematicians” panel, Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, June 2012
BA – Mathematics, University of Cambridge (Mathematical Tripos, Part IIB), 1999
MMath – Mathematics, University of Cambridge (Mathematical Tripos, Part III), 2000
DPhil – Mathematics, University of Bath, 2004
MA – University of Cambridge, 2001
Previous Positions:
2004-2006 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (with Prof. Shigeru Mukai),
RIMS, Kyoto University
2006 - 2008 Postdoctoral Fellowship
Institut Mittag-Leffler / KTH, Stockholm
2008 - 2010 Postdoctoral Fellowship,
University of Liverpool, UK,
2010 - 2013 Postdoctoral Researcher / Co-investigator (with Prof. Miles Reid)
on an EPSRC research grant “Orbifolds and Birational Geometry”,
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK