Teaching and Assessment

Teaching is carried out through lectures and tutorials, with the option of undertaking a project in the final year. A first year mathematics timetable would normally include twelve lecture hours and six tutorial hours, supplemented, of course, by private study and set work.
Teaching is organised in modules, of which you will take twelve per year, six in each of the two semesters (autumn and spring). Eleven weeks in each semester are teaching weeks.
Associated with each module is a tutorial period at which time any problems with the subject matter can be discussed. Other help with specific academic work is always available form the lecturer concerned. Staff are happy to be approached by students requiring clarification or further information, either at the end of a lecture or at some later time in their offices.
Your progress in each module will be examined at the end of either the Autumn Semester or the Spring Semester. Assessment is mainly be written papers, but several courses involve an element of continuous assessment. A project is commonly taken in the final year by students on the Mathematics and its Applications and Mathematics, Operational Research & Statistics degree scheme. The honours classification is based mainly on the final year assessment with a contribution from the second year.