Holly Robinson - Lloyds Banking Group

June 2009 to June 2010
In June 2009, after passing a one day assessment centre and a follow up interview, I started my Industrial Placement with Lloyds Banking Group based in Bristol. Having banked with and researched the organisation, I was excited to know I would be joining the UK's largest retail bank at a critical time following the acquisition of HBOS just 6 months prior. I was initially nervous with starting, but over the 14 months I spent in the Business Analysis team, I feel I really grew as a person and became an integral part of the team.
My role involved using my newly learnt data mining and analyst skills to answer real business questions from all different areas. I worked primarily on supporting the Savings business, although I was given many opportunities outside my normal role to project manage, lead a team, network and deliver some high profile work for senior managers.
Overall for my placement I achieved a 'Strong Performer' rating and won a Gold Award for "outstanding behaviour". Some of the feedback I received includes being described as "invaluable member of the team, comfortably exceeding (my) expectations for an Industrial Placement" having done a "fantastic job this year!" The main benefits I will take away include motivation for my final year, guidance on future jobs, relevant experience and business understanding that will aid me interviews, both technical and soft skills training and most of all confidence in my own ability.
During my placement I feel that I not only made real contribution but gained a lot that will hopefully make me a more attractive candidate for graduate jobs. I think what sums up my time most at Lloyds Banking Group is having cried during my leaving speech. The only thing I was able to manage to say, was that "I never thought I would enjoy working so much."