Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Physics
Our interests sweep a broad range of topics, from pure mathematics to mathematical physics.
There are many striking and profound relations between many of these ideas from mathematics and physics, and not surprisingly, these have had a deep influence on each other in recent years.
Key Research Areas
Pure Mathematics
- Algebraic Geometry
- DG categories and derived categories associated to algebraic varieties
- Operator algebras and non-commutative geometry
- Subfactors and planar algebras
- Orbifolds and the McKay correspondence in Algebraic Geometry and Subfactor Theory
- Categorification problems, Mirror symmetry, Moduli spaces
- Quiver representations in Algebraic Geometry and Subfactor Theory
- K-theory - including twisted and equivariant versions
- Quantum symmetries: subfactors, tensor categories, Hopf algebras, quantum groups;
- Enumerative Combinatorics
Mathematical Physics
- Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
Conformal Field Theory
- Statistical Mechanics: classical and quantum, integrable systems
Event | Day and time | Room |
Group Seminar | Thursday 15:10 | M/2.06 |
Academic Staff
- Dr Roger Behrend
- Professor David E Evans
- Dr Gandalf Lechner
- Dr Timothy Logvinenko
- Dr Mathew Pugh
- G A Elliott (Honorary Professor)
- V F R Jones (Honorary Professor)