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Here are upcoming and recent Meetings, Workshops, Programmes etc. organized or co-organized by members of the School.
To submit a new meeting please use the following form (requires login) or email

Meetings In Cardiff

  • The School frequently hosts a number of conferences, workshops, and talks on a wide and varied range of subjects, and featuring many distinguished guests and speakers.


5 February 2015

Developing Mathematical Models in Healthcare Seminar


15:45-18:00 Main Building, Cardiff University


-15:45-16:15: Refreshments– VJ Gallery, Main Building


-16:15-18:00: Seminar “The role of OR in redesigning healthcare services”, Dr Christos Vasilakis, University of Bath; followed by local talks from Cardiff Healthcare Modelling OR Group – Beverton Lecture Theatre (1.40), Main Building


15 January 2015

SIAM Chapter Day 2015


7 January 2015

Functional Materials Far From Equilibrium (GW4)

Organized by Dr. Nicolas Dirr

Cardiff will be hosting the third meeting of the GW4 initiative 'Functional materials far from equilibrium’  on 7 January 2015.
This activity is an interdisciplinary initiative between materials science, mechanics, physics and mathematics, aiming at establishing new collaborations across the GW4 universities.

The meeting will take place on 7 January in the Cardiff School of Mathematics in Senghennydd Road, Cardiff, in lecture theatre M/0.40 (ground floor) from 10 am-5 pm
and will aim to identify common interests and facilitate interaction on functional materials across the GW4 universities.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.
Please register at by Monday 22nd December 2014. There is NO registration fee, but we need accurate numbers for catering.



17-19 December 2013

Workshop on Combinatorial Physics
Organized by Dr. Roger Behrend.

16-18 December 2013

Optimal Decisions in Statistics and Data Analysis
Organized by Prof. Anatoly Zhigljavsky and Dr. Jonathan Gillard

18 October 2013

Categorically Cardiff: Derived Categories and Algebraic Geometry
Organized by Timothy Logvinenko

17 October 2013

COW Seminar
Organized by Timothy Logvinenko

1-2 July 2013

Spectral Analysis and Differential Equations

13 - 15 May 2013

LANCS International Workshop on Discrete and Nonlinear Optimisation

16 April 2013

LSW Frontiers Distinguished Lecture
Sir Vaughan Jones FRS (Vanderbilt)

15th March 2013

COW Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Organized by Timothy Logvinenko

15th February 2013

Modern Trends in Markov Processes and Queueing Theory
Organized by Jeff Griffiths and Nikolai Leonenko

21 January 2013

SIAM Chapter Day

7 - 10 January 2013

Dissipative Spectral Theory
Organized by Marco Marletta and  Kirill Cherednichenko



5 - 7 September 2012

Stochastic Methods and Nonlinear PDEs Conference

4 September 2012

South West PDE Day
Confirmed Speakers: Issac Vikram Chenchiah (Bristol), Roger Moser (Bath), Matteo Novaga (Padova), Kewei Zhang

28 June 2012

Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Annual Public Lecture
Speaker: Roland Keunings (UCL, Belgium)

8 - 11 May 2012

WIMCS-Leverhulme Conference on Spectral Theory

24 April 2012

Inverse Problems In Neuroimaging Conference

18 April 2012

LSW Frontiers Distinguished Lecture

Isaac Newton Institute 20th Anniversary Lecture
Alain Connes (College de France, IHES and Vanderbilt). Click here for more information.

17 April 2012

LSW Frontiers Distinguished Lecture
Lyn Evans (CERN). Click here for more information.

16 - 20 April 2012

INI-WIMCS Meeting on Noncommutative Geometry



24 – 19 July 2011

ORAHS 2011
OR Informing National Health Policy

1 July 2011

WIMCS Mathematical Physics Colloquium
Speakers: Susanne Danz (Oxford), Terry Gannon (Edmonton), Grigory Garkusha (Swansea)

9 - 10 May 2011

EU-NCG WIMCS workshop on Higher Gauge Theory, TQFT's and Categorification.
Speakers include: Aristide Baratin (Orsay, Paris), Benjamin Bahr (Cambridge), Alexander Kahle (Göttingen), Jeffrey Morton (Lisbon), Urs Schreiber (Utrecht), Jamie Vicary (Oxford), Konrad Waldorf (Regensburg), Christoph Wockel (Hamburg)

20 - 21 April 2011

EU-NCG WIMCS workshop on Quantum Field Theory
Speakers: Henning Bostelmann (York), Romeo Brunetti (Trento), Detlev Buchholz (Göttingen), Christian Jäkel (Cardiff), Gandalf Lechner (Vienna), Florian Robl (Cardiff)

4-8 April 2011

European Study Group with Industry 80

17 January 2011

LSW Frontiers Distinguished Lecture
Speaker: Sir Michael Atiyah (Edinburgh)



20 – 22 December

WIMCS Annual Meeting

18 - 20 December

New Trends in Spectral Theory and Applications

28 June

LSW Frontiers Distinguished Lecture
Speaker: Dan-Virgil Voiculescu (Berkeley)

28 June - 2 July

EU-NCG 3rd Annual Meeting
Speakers include: Iakovos Androulidakis (Göttingen), Dorothea Bahns (Göttingen), Moulay-Tahar Benameur (Metz), Sebastiano Carpi (Rome), Kenny De Commer (Rome), Bergfinnur Durhuus (Copenhagen), Robin Hillier (Rome), Stefan Hollands (Cardiff), Tommaso Isola (Rome), Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (Tokyo), Amin Malik (Oslo), Jouko Mickelsson (Helsinki), Denjoe O'Connor (DIAS), Thomas Schucker (Provence), Wojciech Szymanski (Odense), Otgonbayar Uuye (Copenhagen), André Verbeure (K.U. Leuven), Dan Voiculescu (Berkeley), Mihaly Weiner (Rome), Jakob Yngvason (ESI, Vienna), Laszlo Zsido (Rome).

21-25 June

LMS Regional Meeting and Workshop on Operator Algebras and Physics
Principal Speaker: Constantin Teleman (Berkeley) who is giving a series of talks on Two Dimensional Topological Quantum Field Theories and Gauge Theories. The first talk by Constantin Teleman will be in the LMS regional meeting on the first afternoon, Monday 21 June which is embedded in the five-day workshop. The other speaker in the regional meeting on the Monday afternoon will be Werner Nahm (Dublin). Speakers include Terry Gannon (Alberta), Johannes Kellendonk (Lyon), Michael Müger (Nijmegen), Andreas Recknagel (King's), Karl-Henning Rehren (Göttingen), Richard Szabo (Heriot-Watt), Jean-Louis Tu (Metz), Gerard Watts (King's)

17-21 May

Nigel Higson Lectures
The Baum-Connes Conjecture and Group Representations. This includes a Spitalfields Day on 17 May with speakers Terry Gannon (Alberta) and Nigel Higson.
Speaker: Nigel Higson (Penn State)

5 May

Multifractionality and Multifractality and Their Applications
TThe Workshop was sponsored by a grant form European Communities PIRSES-GA-2008-230804 (Marie Curie) "Multi-parameter Multi-fractional Brownian Motion" for collaboration between Cardiff University and CNRS, Nancy (France), Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine) and Bar Ilan University (Israel).
Speakers: Prof. Y. Mishura (Kyiv University), Prof. N. Leonenko (Cardiff University), Dr.L.Sakhno (Kyiv University), Dr.G.Shevchenko (Kyiv University), Mr A.Ralchenko (Kyiv University).


15 April

COW Seminar
Speakers: Katrin Wendland (Augsburg) and Sven Meinhardt (Oxford)

15 February - 5 March

Period on Planar Algebras and Physics
Speakers: JulienBichon (Clermont), Stephen Bigelow (UCSB), Richard Burstein (Vanderbilt), Ben Davison (Oxford), Jürgen Fuchs (Karlstad), Shamindra Ghosh (KU Leuven), Pinhas Grossman (Cardiff), Ved Gupta (Leuven), Amihay Hanany (Imperial), Yang-Hui He (Oxford), PawelKasprzak (Copenhagen), Alastair King (Bath), Mathew Pugh (Cardiff), Alex Quintero-Velez (Glasgow), Sven Raum (Leuven), Peter West (King's College, London)

13-14 January 2010

LANCS Workshop on Heuristic Understanding



3 – 4 September

Lattice Boltzmann Method Workshop

29 June– 1 July

Spectral Theory, Quantum Chaos and Random Matrices
Organized by: Michael Levitin (Cardiff) and Uzy Smilansky (WIS Israel and Cardiff).

15 – 17 April

AERC 2009
5th Annual European Rheology Conference

30-31 March

Inaugural Meeting of MOPNET

19 March

125th Anniversary Cardiff Distinguished Lecture
Speaker: Percy Deift (Courant Institute)

11 February

Analysis Cluster Workshop

22 January

Operator Algebras Seminar
Speakers: Simon Wassermann (Glasgow), Wilhelm Winter (Nottingham), Rolf Gohm (Aberystwyth).

13 and 14 January

WIMCS Mathematical Physics Lectures
Speaker: Professor Tim Porter (Bangor, Wales). Title: Categorification and bundles



26 – 27 August

Non-classical, boundary and localisation phenomena in mathematical homogenisation, sponsored by LMS and WIMCS

12 – 18 July

Workshop on Computation and Analytic Problems in Spectral Theory

30 April

Workshop on Mathematical Analysis and Modern Applications, Spaces and Operators on Bad Domains in Rn

30 January

Workshop on Mathematical Analysis and Modern Applications




Meetings Outside Cardiff

  • The School is also involved in the organization of various events at Research Centres, Conference Centres and other Universities worldwide.


8 January 2015

The 19th SIAM-UKIE Annual Meeting

Location: The University of Bath

Organisers: Endre Süli (University of Oxford), Françoise Tisseur (University of Manchester), Angela Mihai (Cardiff University), Melina Freitag (University of Bath)


September 2014 - July 2015

Warwick EPSRC Symposium on Derived Categories and Applications
Organisers: Miles Reid (Warwick), Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff), Dmitriy Rumynin (Warwick)

19-21 May 2014

Gregynog Wales Mathematics Colloquium

Location: Gregynog Hall, Tregynon, nr Newtown, Powys.

Poster | Application Form


16th - 20th September 2013

Classifying Structures for Operator Algebras and Dynamical Systems
Location: Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Aberystwyth University, UK
Organizers: Gwion Evans (Aberystwyth), Otgonbayar Uuye (Cardiff), Wilhelm Winter (Muenster)

12th - 13th April 2013

WIMCS Operator Algebras Workshop
Location: Swansea University, UK
Organizer : David Evans

20th May - 22nd May 2013

Wales Mathematics Colloquium 2013 - Gregynog

25-27 March 2013

The Kavli Royal Society International Centre at Chicheley Hall :
Advances in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Including a minisymposium on Theoretical Rheology)



3 - 7 September 2012

Complex patterns in wave functions - drums, graphs, and disorder
The Kavli Royal Society International Centre at Chicheley Hall
Organized by Sven Gnutzmann (Nottingham)  and Uzy Smilansky (WIS Israel and Cardiff)

LMS Regional Meeting and Workshop: Quantum Probabilistic Symmetries
Aberystwyth University
Scientific Advisory Committee David Evans (Cardiff), Martin Lindsay (Lancaster), Gilles Pisier (Paris and Texas A&M) and  Dan Voiculescu  (Berkeley)

23 July - 17th August 2012

Spectral Theory of Relativistic Operators
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

Organized by B.M. Brown (Cardiff), M.J. Esteban (CEREMADE), K-M. Schmidt (Cardiff), H. Siedentop (Munich)

18 - 22 - July 2012

XXth Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics
Noncommutative Geometry and Conformal Field Theory,
Oporto University, Portugal
Organized by C Herdeiro (CFP and Univ. of Aveiro), D. E. Evans (Cardiff) - Chairman, J.N. Tavares (CMUP and Univ. of Porto), J. Mourao (CAMGSD and IST Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon), M. Mackaay (CAMGSD and Univ. of the Algarvel), M. Costa (CFP and Univ. of Porto), P. Pinto (CAMGSD and IST), R. Picken (CAMGSD and IST)

2 - 3 April 2012

6th MOPNet Meeting : University Of Bath



20 September - 1 October 2011

Rigorous Quantum Field Theory in the LHC era
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI)

Organized by C. Jäkel (Cardiff), C. Kopper (Ecole Polytechnique), G. Lechner (Vienna)

12 - 13 September 2011

5th Mopnet Meeting : University College, London

11 - 14 September 2011

Bath-Berlin Workshop "Phase boundaries and random polymers"
Organisers: Nicolas Dirr (Cardiff), Peter Mörters (Bath) and Max von Renesse (TU Berlin)

27 - 28 April 2011

4th MOPNet Meeting : Manchester Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

25 - 30 April 2011

EU-NCG 4th Annual Meeting
Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR)
Bucharest, Romania
Organized by D.E. Evans (Cardiff), R. Nest (Copenhagen), R Purice (IMAR), S Stratila (IMAR)

2-3 May 2011

WIMCS workshop on Representations of Braid and Symmetric Groups - New Approaches 
Aberystwyth University 
Organized by David Evans (Cardiff), Rolf Gohm (Aberystwyth) and Claus Köstler (Aberystwyth)
See Also:



20 - 22 September 2010

3rd MOPNet Meeting : Edinburgh Conference Centre at Heriot-Watt University

29 - 30 March 2010

2nd MOPnet Meeting : Department of Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering at Nottingham University

1 March - 30 April 2010

Quantum field theory on curved space-times and curved target-spaces
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI)

Organized by M. Gaberdiel (ETH Zurich), S. Hollands (Cardiff), V. Schomerus (Hamburg) J. Yngvason (ESI Vienna)
Included a workshop (March 22 - 26)

26 February 2010

WIMCS Mathematical Physics Colloquium
Swansea University
Organized by David Evans (Cardiff)
Speakers: Marcos Marino (Geneva) and Richard Thomas (Imperial)


28 September - 2 October 2009

EU-NCG 2nd Annual Meeting and Mid-Term Review
Mathematics Institute, Copenhagen University
Organized by E. Christensen (Copenhagen), S. Eilers (Copenhagen), D. E. Evans (Cardiff), R Nest (Copenhagen)

14 - 15 September 2009

1st MOPnet Meeting : Department of Mathematics at Reading University



16 – 20 June 2008

EU-NCG 1st Annual Meeting
School of Theoretical Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS)
Scientific Advisory Committee: R. Dijkgraaf (Amsterdam), D.E. Evans (Cardiff), A. Jaffe (Harvard), R. Nest (Copenhagen), W. Nahm (DIAS Dublin), D. O'Connor, Dublin.




8 January - 29 June 2007

Analysis on Graphs and its Applications
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

Organised by :  B..M Brown (Cardiff),  P. Exner (Czech Academy of Sciences),  P. Kuchment (Texas), T Sunada (Meiji)